SA Graan November 2013 - page 42

Domestic policy
All governments must have the right to define
their own domestic agricultural policy, in
order to ensure that the major concerns of
their citizens are met, including the provision
of safe and secure supplies of food for their
people, the well-being of rural communities
and environmental concerns. Trade rules
should also permit domestic policy measures
which promote stability of supplies, such
as safety nets, orderly marketing and supply
management. Governments should ensure
that domestic policy is fully transparent,
complies with international obligations and
does not disrupt global markets.
Sanitary and phyto-sanitary
In setting standards with the objective
of protecting human, animal, plant and
environmental health, governments should
ensure they are based on sound science
and should adopt internationally agreed
standards in line with the WTO SPS agreement.
Least developing countries
and developing countries
It is important that trade does not undermine
the development of fledging agricultural
sectors which have the potential to contribute
to economic growth and more viable rural
communities. Trade agreements should
therefore have built-in provisions to address
these needs on the basis of special and
differential treatment which takes account of
different levels of economic development.
Food aid
Genuine food aid for humanitarian purposes
should be secured in order to address natural
and manmade disasters, but must be carried
out in a manner that does not damage domestic
markets or distort international trade and is not
a disguised export subsidy.
Governments should address food aid needs
resulting from disasters first and foremost by
sourcing in the country concerned, providing
this does not undermine affordable access
to food.
Consultation with producers’
Producers are critical stakeholders in the global
and rural agricultural economy. Representative
producers’ organisations must therefore be
fully consulted in the decisions to open trade
negotiations involving agriculture, including
those at bilateral, multilateral and plurilateral
The WFO will support proactive, results-
driven and transparent negotiating processes
in which governments provide impact
assessments of the consequences of trade
agreements for the agricultural sector and
inform and consult their producers throughout
the negotiating process.
Continued from page 39
WFO working to even the trade
environment playing field
Die TeeJet AIXR plat spuitkop bied die optimale kombinasie
van dekking en spuitnewel beheer. Ander kenmerke sluit in:
• Luginduksietegnologie produseer groot, lug-gevulde druppels wat breek op die impak
vir ‘n beter dekking
• Unieke UHMWPE polimeer konstruksie lewer uitstekende
gebruikslewe en ‘n uitstekende chemiese weerstand
• Wye werkdruk verskeidenheid van 1-6 bar is goed vir
gebruik met outomatiese koers kontrole
• Growwe tot Uiters Growwe druppels bied ‘n uitstekende
spuitnewel beheer wat hierdie spuitkop ideaal maak vir
gebruik met Roundup
en ander sistemiese onkruiddoders
om meer te leer
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