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Maart 2017


Irrigation wheat cultivars

you can rely on


he 2015 season was one of the most challenging produc-

tion seasons for South African irrigation wheat producers.

Soaring temperatures during the critical grain filling period

taxed producers to keep up with the high water demands of

their crops. This resulted in lower yields in most parts of the irriga-

tion areas.

With 2015 declared as the driest year since 1904 by the South

African Weather Service, the 2016 production cycle was undoubt-

edly going to create new challenges.

The persisting drought conditions resulted in government limit-

ing the 2016 water usage from the Vaal and Orange Rivers by 20%

and 15% respectively. Producers in the Northern Cape, North West

Province, Free State and Limpopo regions therefore had to

reformulate their business strategies in order to cope with the water


In the production guidelines made available by the ARC-Small Grain

Institute (ARC-SGI), correct cultivar choices have always been em-

phasised. With the drought expected to persist during 2017, suitable

cultivar choices will be essential for successful wheat production in

the irrigation areas.

The irrigation wheat package of the ARC-SGI consists of five culti-

vars, namely Kariega, Krokodil, Duzi, Buffels and Sabie (see

Table 1

for a summary of typical cultivar yield potentials).

The oldest cultivar still available is Kariega, which has been on

the market since 2001. The popularity of Kariega is largely due to

the fact that it is an extremely reliable and stable variety. It might

not deliver the same yields as the newer higher yielding cultivars,

but in difficult years where some cultivars may struggle, Kariega will

hold its ground and continue to produce profitable yields.

For this reason, Kariega has become increasingly popular among

small scale farmers. Average yields of 9 t/ha can be expected, but

Kariega has been known to produce yields exceeding 10 t/ha. It has

a medium/long growth period and also has excellent bread bak-

ing quality. Kariega was used for many years as the bread baking

quality standard after being replaced with a newer variety.

Duzi is also a favourite among producers, as it has a medium growth

period and consistently produces excellent yields. It can easily

produce yields of up to 9,5 t/ha, but has the potential to reach yields

of up to 10,7 t/ha. Duzi was classified for commercial production dur-

ing 2004 along with Krokodil.

Krokodil is a high yielding cultivar with a medium/long growth pe-

riod. During the 2016 production season, it produced the third high-

est yields in the Hopetown district. Yields of up to 10,3 t/ha was

realised. When looking at average yields, Krokodil is expected to

produce yields of 9,7 t/ha, but is able to realise yields of 11 t/ha as it

did during the 2013 and 2014 production seasons.

The last two cultivars in the package are Buffels and Sabie. These

two cultivars are both long growth period cultivars. Buffels pro-

duces average yields of approximately 9 t/ha, but is more than capa-

ble of producing at least 10,5 t/ha.

Sabie was released to replace Kariega as it realises higher yields

and possesses the same risk reduction factors as Kariega. Both cul-

tivars are resistant to pre-harvest sprouting, are Fusarium tolerant

and resistant to stripe rust. These three are the primary risk factors

in the irrigation area.

When considering Sabie, seeding density is of utmost importance

as the cultivar is prone to lodging at too high planting densities.

To realise maximum yields, 175 to 225 plants per square metre is

recommended. This is approximately 80 kg/ha to 90 kg/ha. If these

guidelines are followed, average yields of 9,5 t/ha can be expected,

although Sabie is more than capable of producing up to 11 t/ha.

ARC-SGI is currently in the process of registering

three new cultivars and producers will be informed

when they will be made available.




ARC-Small Grain Institute, Bethlehem





8,5 - 9

8,5 - 10


8,5 - 10

9 - 10


9 - 9,5

9 - 10


9 - 9,5

8,5 - 9,5


8 - 9

8,5 - 9,5


This research was made possible through financial support from the Winter Cereal Trust.

1: Rain on the horizon at Vaalharts experimental station.

2: Cultivars of the future? Red dots of selected material

at Vaalharts experimental station.



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