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Integrated pest control


Potentially dangerous Ug99 stem rust

evolving and spreading through Africa


g99 is a highly virulent stem rust

race, which was first discovered in

Uganda in 1999. It overcame the

resistance gene Sr31, which at the

time was most effective and used world-

wide for more than 30 years.

Most of the wheat breeding lines and the

cultivars grown around the world became

susceptible to this race. Given its potential

to spread worldwide by means of wind-

blown jet streams as well as continually

evolving to overcome additional resistance

genes that are thrown its way by means

of newly released cultivars, Ug99 is being

considered as a serious threat to global

and South African wheat production and

food security.

In response to Ug99’s threat, the Borlaug

Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) was established

in 2005 under the leadership of the late

Nobel Peace prize winner, Dr Norman Borlaug.

The main objective of the BGRI was to fa-

cilitate collaboration among the global com-

munity of wheat and rust researchers and to

develop strategies on how to manage this

serious disease. This international effort

identified effective resistance genes that

were subsequently deployed in resistant

cultivars in high risk areas such as in Kenya

and Ethiopia.

Were new variants of Ug99

recently detected?

As a result, a cultivar named Robin was

developed and released in 2011 after col-

laborative efforts between breeders at the

International Maize and Wheat Improve-

ment Centre (CIMMYT) and the Kenya Agri-

cultural Research Institute (KARI).

Robin became popular in Kenya because of

high yield potential and resistance to previ-

ously known Ug99 races. However, Robin

sustained severe damage in some produc-

ers’ fields by stem rust in the 2014 crop sea-

son in Kenya.

Race analyses on infected leaves of the

cultivar Robin, yielded two new variants of

Ug99 (TTKTT and TTKTK). Unfortunately

the resistance of Robin has been defeated

with the emergence of these new races.

Luckily during the past years, several other

stem rust resistant wheat cultivars have

been released in Kenya and these continue

to be resistant to the new Ug99 variants.

Could they lose their re-


Is Ug99 changing so rapidly that the newly

released cultivars could also lose their re-

sistance? Yes, Ug99 continues to challenge

global wheat production by frequently

evolving into new races capable of over-

coming race-specific resistance genes.

To improve the durability of resistance,

other alternatives should be explored. A

common strategy currently being employed

by many breeding companies to increase

the lifespan of rust resistance is to deploy

cultivars with combinations of two or more

race-specific resistance genes. Such cul-

tivars should last longer as it is less likely

for a specific race to overcome two or more

race-specific genes at the same time.

A second and probably better approach is

to deploy cultivars with race-nonspecific

adult plant resistance (APR). In this case,

many minor genes with smaller additive ef-

fects, collectively contribute to resistance

and each of these genes is equally effective

against all races. Hence, race-nonspecific

resistance wouldn’t be defeated when a

new race emerges.

Is this strategy of breeding

for durable resistance be-

ing implemented in South


Yes, one of the current breeding strategies

adopted by the ARC-Small Grain Institute

(ARC-SGI) to enhance the longevity of rust

resistance in newly released cultivars in-

volves the use of combinations of race-spe-

cific and nonspecific resistance genes.

Several lines containing at least two race-

specific genes and APR genes are being

developed and will be released shortly.

These lines will contribute to the develop-

ment of cultivars with multiple resistance

and increased durability in the near future.

In many instances these resistance sources

are in poorly adapted backgrounds or wild

relatives of wheat and may include genes

that are linked with negative characteristics

such as reduction in grain yield and qual-

ity. The main challenge is therefore to en-

sure that only the desired resistance gene

is fixed in the background genotype of the

adapted cultivar.

By means of a pre-breeding programme,

backcrossing, in combination with new

biotechnological methods, are being used

to transfer these desired rust resistances

into susceptible high yielding wheat cul-

tivars. As gene pyramiding (combination)

through conventional methods is time-con-

suming, DNA markers are being used in our




ARC-Small Grain Institute, Bethlehem

Stem rust symptoms on the stem of wheat.

September 2015