SA Graan September 2014 - page 24

September 2014
The finalists for theNewEraCommercial…
alph Swart is the Western Cape’s first ever finalist and the
only one for this year. He produces wheat, barley, oats,
triticale and rooibos tea. He is married to Preline and as
the eldest of seven children himself, he has six children of
his own. The eldest two, Leaan and Jacques, are dedicating their
careers to the family farmingbusiness, Swart Boerdery.
Ralph attended Elim Primary school and while he was writing this
final exam in grade 8, his father was waiting outside because it
was harvesting time and he needed help. Until today he doesn’t
know if hepassedgrade 8.
Hehasbeen farmingonhisown for thepast 33years and is the third
generation farmingon the same land.
Ralph owns 89 ha of which 72 ha are pastures and 17 ha veldwhile
he leases another 1 280 ha of land from the Moravian church of
which 1 152 ha are arable. He planted 220 ha of wheat (3,2 tons/ha),
100 ha barley (3,5 tons/ha), 250 ha triticale (2,5 tons/ha) and 40 ha
oats (2,2 tons/ha). The livestock consists of 1 500 ewes and
140 Bonsmara cows. Ralph is an exceptional farmer and person.
Although he only went to school up to grade 8, he acts as a very
good example to others by showing that if you are willing to learn
andwork hard, you cando anything.
He has a passion for agriculture and is also an extremely humble
person. He is eager to learn continuously and improve his practices
and rarely misses a study group meeting, training course or
conservation agricultureday that is presented.
He is involved, asks questions and tests everything he learns on his
own farm; he is a true entrepreneur. Ralph is alwayswilling to assist
the smaller farmers inhis areawith equipment and/or advice.
Hemakes it hismission to takehis two sons to all agricultural events
and togive them asmuch exposure as possible – a true familyman!
Nearest town:
Provincial co-ordinator:
LianaStroebel andToitWessels
1: Ralph andPrelineSwart.
2: Jacques, Ralph andPrelineSwart, with LianaStroebel (GrainSApro-
vincial co-ordinator).
3: The streets of Elim,whereRalphSwart resides.
4: Abreathtakingwheat landscape.
5: Someof Ralph’s equipment.
Thanks Absa for your support of theNewEraCommercial Farmer of the Year competition.
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