SA Graan September 2014 - page 23

September 2014
ob Metswamere was born in Rooijantjiesfontein, Ga-Maloka
(which is 30 km from Lichtenburg). He ismarried toDeborah
Mokotedi, and they live inKlippanwith their four daughters.
After he finished his school education he helped his father on the
farm where he worked, after which Job enrolled at Taung College
of Education to complete his university diploma in Secondary
Education in 1988.
In 1996 he enrolled for a diploma for Further Education at the
College of Education of South Africa, which he completed in 1997.
He got his interest in farming from his father who mentored and
taught Job everythinghe knows about farming.
Job plants maize and sunflower and has a livestock component
to utilise all his resources effectively. He farms on 135 ha of his
own land alongwith 415 ha of communal land and he rents another
100ha toplant his crops.
He wants to continue growing and eventually establish his own
abattoir. Heaspires toownanother farm inorder tocreatemore jobs
in his community, as unemployment is a major problem they have
todeal with.
Job would furthermore like to add extra value to his crops and
livestock. He is a remarkable farmer with sound experience and
an eye for newopportunities.
NorthWest Province
Nearest town:
Provincial co-ordinator:
DuToit vanderWesthuizen
1: JobMetswamere.
2: Job sharing informationwith the evaluationpanel.
3: Jobexpectedayieldof 4 tons/haand is alsoplanting trials tomonitor
different cultivars’ performanceonhis farm.
4: Job Metswamere, Du Toit van der Westhuizen (Grain SA provincial
co-ordinator) and JohnMathews (Job’smentor).
5: Some of Job’s mechanical assets. The Ford is the first tractor Job
bought and it’s still in a verygood condition.
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