SA Graan November 2013 - page 80

Nuutste verwikkelinge
rondom dieselkortings
Fokus op water en energie
Graan SA wag angstig vir die implementering van ‘n alternatiewe stelsel
om dieselkortingoudits van voor April 2013, af te handel. Die oorspronk-
like ooreenkoms met die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (SAID) om alter-
natiewe inligting te gebruik om diesel-eise te ondersteun, het skipbreuk
gely as gevolg van ‘n tekort aan inligting vir sekere bedrywe.
Die jongste terugvoer is dat die SAID ‘n alternatiewe voorstel aan
Tesourie gemaak het en nou vir hulle terugvoer wag. Wanneer die voor-
stel goedgekeur word, word dit vir publieke kommentaar gepubliseer,
waarna dit geïmplementeer kan word.
Verder word daar wyd ervaar dat produsente wat voor April 2013 geou-
dit is en nie die oudit geslaag het nie, se nuwe BTW-eise teruggehou
word. Hierdie aspek is met die SAID opgeneem en hulle het ‘n toegewyde
persoon aangewys om hierdie sake op ‘n individuele basis op te volg so-
dat BTW-eise weer uitbetaal kan word. Bring asseblief probleme hiermee
onder Graan SA se aandag.
Dit is baie belangrik dat produsente streng boekhou van hul dieselgebruik
vanaf 1 April 2013. Agri SA en Graan SA het kommentaar gelewer oor hoe
‘n logboek behoort te lyk, maar daar is nog nie uitklaring vanaf die SAID
daaroor gekry nie.
Intussen word produsente aanbeveel om die minimum inligting wat
tans deur die wet vereis word, by te hou deur middel van ‘n logboek by
hoofverspreidingspunte, wat die volgende inligting bevat:
Datum wat diesel ingegooi is.
Hoeveelheid diesel wat ingegooi is.
Beskrywing van die voertuig.
Rede waarvoor diesel aangewend is.
Opportunity knocks for job creation
within the renewable energy sector
South Africa’s unemployment rate of 24,9%
is certainly concerning. While job creation is
a key goal of government’s New Growth Path
economic blueprint, it was recently announced
that it would likely not reach its target of creat-
ing five million jobs by 2020.
Government also called on social partners,
including labour and business to work towards
the bigger picture, as job creation is an issue
of national importance that impacts every
While the economic blueprint identifies the
core industries that would be in a position to
address the issue, every industry has a role
to play. Within the energy sector for example,
photovoltaic (PV) – or solar – is a renewable en-
ergy technology that is creating jobs all along
the value chain. PV systems convert the sun’s
energy into electricity.
In fact, according to a fact sheet released by
the European Photovoltaic Industry Associa-
tion (EPIA), the PV industry creates three to
seven direct jobs (those fully dedicated to the
PV chain) and about 12 to 20 indirect jobs (sup-
porting the PV industry) per megawatt.
For South Africa PV holds a tremendous op-
portunity. We have an abundance of sun and a
great need for alternative energy sources that
is showing continued and escalating growth,
as households and businesses realise the
technology’s potential. Some of the growth
drivers of PV systems in the country include
the technology’s continued advancement,
which has made it a much more affordable
option than what it would have been in pre-
vious years, and the year-on-year increases in
The EPIA fact sheet underpinned these drivers.
PV has consistently outperformed expect-
ations within the European region, with an
average 10% decrease in costs per year. This
has resulted in an increased market growth of
about 35% per year for the last ten years and
a continuous growth of global employment of
20% per year.
It is clear that, as a driver of job creation, the
PV industry can certainly make a considerable
contribution. More interesting facts relating to
job creation:
The PV industry directly employs about
435 000 people worldwide.
Supporting these direct jobs are about
1 million indirect fulltime jobs.
In addition to large cost reductions over
the last few years, the increased market
demand for solar has also generated a
growth in job creation of about 10% to
20% per year.
Kos vir Afrika!
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