SA Grain March 2014 - page 109

Sound labour practices and
relations under the spotlight
n the February edition of
SA Graan/Grain
we spoke to Mr Kallie
Schoeman of Schoeman Boerdery (Delmas). We asked him what
his approach to labour relations is and also what the main labour
practices are that they place an emphasis on. In this edition we are
focussing on their contribution to the socio-economic development
of the labourers on the farm.
Training and financial assistance
“Training is important to us. We have nursery schools on the farm as
well as a primary and high school. Even children who live in the town,
are being brought by bus to the schools on the farm. The schools
practice discipline and we are very proud of our matrics who had a
pass rate last year of 78%,” Schoeman proudly told
SA Graan/Grain
“We also give study loans and sponsorships to the top students of
our personnel.
“We furthermore have a training programme for the bread winners of
the families to teach them financial management and how to apply it
in their households. We have a loan scheme with subsidised interest
rates for our personnel in order to help them not to have to loan
money from loan sharks (who ask absurd interest rates). We always
tell them to rather talk to us when they want to buy something.”
Spiritual care
A full-time pastor on the farm provides counselling and helps
personnel to conquer social wrongs, such as divorce, alcohol abuse,
trauma and child molestation.
At the clinic on the farm a full-time clinic sister is on call and the clinic
also serves as an HIV/Aids centre.
“Roughly ten years ago, we launched an HIV/Aids campaign and all
our personnel went for a voluntary aids test so that everyone could
know their status. There are currently 52 employees who are HIV
positive and who receive free antiretroviral treatment at the clinic,”
Schoeman said. He said that since the campaign was launched, no
one on the farm has passed away due to aids related illnesses.
Sport and recreation
“We provide transport to our personnel for sporting events and
funerals, which are very important to them. They spend a lot of time
playing netball and soccer. Regular competitions are held between
the farms and between the farms and the towns.”
Job creation programmes
Schoeman Boerdery helps where possible to provide work creation
programmes on the farm for the spouses of our personnel. There is
currently a sewing project on the farm where school uniforms as well
as uniforms for security companies are being made and sold. The farm
also boasts our own bakery, which is run by our personnel’s spouses,
where personnel can buy fresh bread and rolls on a daily basis.
“A new project being driven by my wife, Elna, is ‘Junk to Funk’, where
recyclable materials, such as newspapers and plastic bags, are being
reprocessed. They make gift bags from newspapers and from the
plastic bags they weave place mats and even cell phone bags.”
It is no surprise that Schoeman Boerdery’s vision is “Through the
generations we are and will continue to be a blessing to our people, our
community and our country.” Clearly this is what they strive towards.
Share your good labour practices with
your fellow producers
Grain SA members are welcome to share with other producers their
positive labour practices and relations on the farm or methods that
they’ve implemented that works for them. Send an email to
and we will contact you.
March 2014
– Schoeman Boerdery (Part 2)
SA Graan/Grain
1 and 2: Schoeman Boerdery is very proud of the schools on their farm. It includes nursery schools as well as a primary school and high school.
3: At the clinic on the farm there is a full-time clinic nurse on call.
4: Schoeman Boerdery also tries to help where possible to provide job creation programmes for their personnel’s spouses on the farm.
There is currently a sewing project on the farm where school uniforms as well as uniforms for security companies are being made and sold.
5: Delicious fresh bread is sold at the bakery on the farm.
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