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A one-stop grain shop


ilo Warehouse was established in 2000 and specialises in

bulk storage projects in Southern Africa. We consist of four

main divisions, namely: Marketing/sales, import/export,

manufacturing and installations.

With almost 20 years of grain storage project planning, designing,

manufacturing and project management experience, Silo Ware-

house offers a complete range of products, from off the shelve

equipment collected at the warehouse to turnkey projects through-

out Southern Africa.

We supply top quality bucket elevators, chain conveyors, belt con-

veyors, augers, grain cleaners and dryers, aeration systems and

feed milling plants. For the building and mining industries bulk stor-

age tanks for products like cement, fly ash and lime can be offered.

Also, included in our range of storage options are grain bunkers,

grain dams, and silo bags. This combined with having sole distribu-

tor agreements with some of the world’s best silo and equipment

manufacturers in the United States of Amer-

ica and Europe, elevates us to be the num-

ber one stop for any commercial or small

producer, grain processing company or busi-

nessman when it comes to bulk product han-

dling and storage in die building industry.

At Silo Warehouse you can be assured of out-

standing customer service, top quality prod-

ucts and equipment, qualified personnel and

after sales service that is unbeatable in this

part of the world.


managing director: Silo Warehouse

Van Tonder urged grain handlers to take these factors into consid-

eration by refraining from making use of transporters who do not

adhere to road regulations and overloading guidelines. ‘Transporters

who invest in technology and efficient human resources should be

allowed to charge a premium,’ he concluded.

Dr Theo de Jager (president of SACAU and of PAFU)

Through agriculture Africa has the land and soil, water, climate

and the producers, but it lacks value chains, financing, technology

and expertise. The effect of policy issues and also property rights

and financing remain a challenge to produce in Africa. Smallholder

farming is over romanticised and is a poverty trap. The only way to

eradicate poverty in Africa is by creating wealth.

Derek Watts (

Carte Blanche


As a seasoned presenter of this investigative journalism program-

me, Derek Watts shared an overview on his 29 years as a part of


Carte Blanche

team on the tail of crooks. He referred to the

spike in grain theft and specifically their exposing of maize outload-

ed at Schuttesdraai Silo in the Free State which ended up at silos in

Bronkhorstspruit rather than at its destination.

Adv Werner Bouwer (Nexus Forensic Services)

A macro problem in South Africa concerning ethical conduct is

impunity. This does not refer to whether the laws to govern corrup-

tion exist, but the fact that it is not applied. Ethics should be a grow-

ing and evolving focus in business culture – even in small businesses.

A healthy organisational culture is not about what you say, but

what you do.

How your employees perceive you responding to situations that

may harm the reputation of the organisation is what counts. In

the effective organisation model the emphasis is on cultural con-

trols and not on increasing the load of detailed systematic or super-

visory controls.

Kallie Kriel (Afriforum)

South Africans should create their own future, read the spirit of

time and familiarise themselves with the policies that governors

take, what they want to achieve and where they are heading. Expro-

priation of land without compensation may be catastrophic to the

country's economy. People will not invest if there is no respect for


We must make sure we speak from a position of moral high ground

and are not repulsive to people. We have the right to fight for what

is fair. It is very important that we participate in the public debate

and put alternative ideas on the table. A prerequisite for success is

strong institutions.