SA Grain December 2013 - page 13

1. Entries must portray the competition theme: “The people in agriculture”.
2. The photographer must provide a caption for the photo, as well as their postal address and
telephone number(s) with his/her entry.
3. Persons on the photograph must be identified (provide name and surname). If it is a generic
picture of a group of farm workers cultivating a land, identification is not necessary.
4. Only amateur photographers (i.e. people who do not make a living out of photography) may
enter this competition.
5. All entries are free.
6. Participants may enter a maximum of three photos (with varying themes) per edition. If more
than three photographs are entered, only the first three photos received will be considered
for the competition.
7. Photos that are entered must be unique and should not portray the same theme as photos
entered into other competitions. Photos entered must not have been published previously.
8. If a person has won, he/she may not enter the competition for the following three editions.
9. Photographers may enter their photographs up until the cut-off date each month. Entries re-
ceived after this date will be entered into the following month’s competition.
10. Only emailed entries or entries provided on a CD will be accepted. The photos must be
in electronic format and not bigger than 3 MB each, in JPG-format and no smaller than
10 cm x 15 cm. If photos are taken with a film camera, it must be scanned at 300 dpi.
11. Photos taken with a cell phone will not be accepted.
12. Photos must not be digitally manipulated. This means that a person may not alter the photo-
graph digitally by, for example, taking out a bothersome tree or adding a nice flower in the
background or by moving elements of the photo closer together. The photographer may
however crop the photo to remove unwanted areas at the top, bottom or sides of the pho-
tograph. Do not adjust the contrast of the photo.
13. A panel consisting of a professional photographer and a representative of SA Graan/Grain
and of Sasol Nitro, will judge the photos each month.
14. SA Graan/Grain reserves the right to reject photos that are blurry and that do not adhere to
the competition rules.
15. All entries become the property of SA Graan/Grain – this includes CD’s with photos. All entered
photos will be kept in a photo library after which SA Graan/Grain and Sasol Nitro may use it
for future promotion, marketing and publication purposes. By entering the competition, the
entrant agrees to this and no third party claims for copy right violation may be submitted.
16. Employees of Sasol Nitro, Grain SA and Infoworks may not enter the competition.
ave you been raring to enter the
SA Grain
/Sasol Nitro photo competition?
Well, here’s your chance: In 2013 amateur photographers can once again
submit their photos and stand the chance to click their way to winning R32 000!
This year’s theme is “
The people in agriculture
” and it gives many options:
You can take a picture of the kids swimming in the farm dam; Mother busy
making jam in front of the coal oven; big sis trying to eat corn on the cob with
her front teeth missing; or old Jafta driving the sheep to the kraal. Or how about
Dad leaning on the farm gate; staring out and looking for a sign of rain? Or a
racing his toy tractor through the mud pools? And don’t for-
get about the farm workers busy planting or harvesting!
Just remember:
It is important to identify the person/people on the photo. We
would like to know who it is that you’ve photographed.
The prizes are once again sponsored by Sasol Nitro this year and from January
2013 a monthly winner for each of the twelve editions will be selected by a
panel of judges. The
monthly winner
walks away with a
cash prize of R1 000
and the twelve finalists will stand a chance to win
R10 000 (winner)
R7 000
(runner up)
R3 000 (third prize)
Send photos to
or to Elmien Bosch, Postnet Suite 32, Private Bag X10, Flamwood, 2572.
The people in agriculture
SA Grain
/Sasol Nitro
photo competition presented
Closing dates:
December 2013: 27 November
January 2014 (new competition
– new theme): 13 January
Congratulations to Lizette Nel from Groblersdal, whose photo “Wheat harvest land” received top accolades in our November competition. “My husband,
Fanie (left), and my eldest son, Pieter (on the right), were counting the number of wheat kernels per head in order to estimate the crop yield, while Pieter’s boys,
Steven (left), and Jacques enjoyed the moment”.
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