SA Grain December 2013 - page 12

Photo competition
November’s top pics
had oomph and atmosphere
“Modern day agriculture in action” will be the theme for
SA Graan/Grain
and Sasol Nitro’s amateur photo
competition for 2014. Both
SA Graan/Grain
and Sasol Nitro
expressed their excitement about this esteemed photo
competition which has been extended for another year.
The judging panel is looking forward to adjudicate
photographs of modern day agriculture in action. With this
in mind, think precision farming, think technology, think
new generation, think innovative production methods and
more. Do not forget to include a descriptive photo caption
with your entry. It is also very important to identify the
people (if any) on the photo: Names and surnames should
be provided.
Cash to be won
A winner will be announced each month who will receive
R1 000 cash with compliments from Sasol Nitro. At the end
of the twelve month competition, all the monthly finalists
will be considered for the overall prize of R10 000 (winner),
R7 000 (second place) and R3 000 (third place).
The winner of R1 000 in
SA Graan/
October competition was
Lukas Becker from Kakamas, with
his photograph named: “Looking for
the last game and sheep on a Kala-
hari farm during the late afternoon.”
Karen van Zyl’s photo “Move on…”. In the photograph Willem van Zyl is leading the cattle
to go and treat them to some extra feed. Karen is from the Orania district near Petrusville.
In third place was Hannelie Oosthuizen of Albertinia’s photo: “It is soooo exhilarating to
help feed the cattle. Do they really have to waste such a lot of feed?” Wian Oosthuizen is
giving his best to help feed the cattle on the farm Tierfontein, Albertinia.
Roundup PowerMAX
bevat Glifosaat (540 g/
). Versigtig. (Reg. No. L7769). Guardian S
bevat Asetochloor (840 g/
). Versigtig. (Reg. No. L4862).
bevat Asetochloor (250 g/
), Atrasien (225 g/
) en Terbutilasien (225 g/
). Versigtig. (Reg. No. L5623). Harness
Extra bevat Asetochloor (960 g/
Versigtig. (Reg. No. L7703). Alle produkte is geregistreer onder Wet No. 36 van 1947. Gebruik onkruiddoders op ‘n veilige manier. Lees altyd die etiket en
produkinligting voor gebruik. Monsanto, Roundup Ready
, Roundup Ready PLUS
, Roundup PowerMAX
, Guardian S
, Bullet
en Harness
is geregistreerde handelsmerke van Monsanto Technology LLC. Monsanto Suid-Afrika (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 69933, Bryanston, 2021
Monsanto tel: 011 790-8200 |
Kontak gerus ons kliëntediens by:
011 790-8201 of
Roundup Ready PLUS™
bied onkruidbestuuroplossings vir alle Roundup Ready
-gewasse. Die
Roundup Ready PLUS™
-program vir Roundup Ready
bestaan uit ’n kombinasie van Monsanto se nuwe produk,
Roundup PowerMAX
, plus geskikte produkte soos Guardian S
en/of Bullet
met plant en Harness
Extra en bykomende onkruiddoders van ons vennote in die bedryf na opkoms van die gewas.
Kombineer produkte en doen jou deel vir onkruidweerstandsbestuur.
Kontak ons en kry die feite!
Met ‘n onkruidbestuurprogram soos
Roundup Ready PLUS
verlaag die risiko dat onkruide sal oorleef aansienlik!
Onkruide bied weerstand. Daarom
werk deesdae se onkruidbeheer
eenvoudig nie meer nie!
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