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With gratitude to the Oil and Protein Seed Development Trust for financial support of

these annual surveys and to the members of Agbiz Grain for providing the crop samples.

A look at the soybean crop quality

The moisture results used in this calculation was determined by

means of the method prescribed under the ISTA International Rules

for Seed Testing, Section 9, latest edition whereby the moisture con-

tent is determined as a loss in weight of a sample when dried in an

oven at 103°C for 17 hours.

The Dumas combustion analysis technique was used to determine

the crude protein content, according to AACCI method 46-30.01

latest edition. Combustion at high temperature in pure oxygen sets

nitrogen free, which is measured by thermal conductivity detec-

tion. The total nitrogen content of the sample is determined and

converted to equivalent protein by multiplication with a factor of

6,25 to obtain the crude protein content. The weighted average

crude protein content this season was 39,89%, comparing very

well with the 39,84% of the previous season. Mpumalanga showed

the highest weighted average crude protein content of 40,44% and

Limpopo the lowest of 36,16%.

The weighted average crude fat percentage decreased from

19,7% in 2013/2014, to 19,3% this season. The samples from Lim-

popo had the highest weighted average crude fat content of 23,6%.

The lowest average fat contents were observed in Gauteng with

18,9%. The fat is extracted from the sample by petroleum ether with

the aid of the Soxhlet extraction apparatus, followed by the removal

of the solvent by evaporation and weighing the dried residue thus


Ash is defined as the quantity of mineral matter which remains as

incombustible residue of the tested substance, after application of

the described working method. SAGL uses an in-house method,

based on the AACCI 08-02.01 Rapid (magnesium acetate) method.

The samples were incinerated at 700 ± 10°C in a muffle furnace for

45 minutes.

The national weighted average ash content did not vary signifi-

cantly over the four seasons that this survey has been conduct-

ed, 4,64% this season compared to the 4,66%, 4,65% and 4,62%

for the previous three seasons. Samples from the Northern Cape

and Limpopo tend to show higher ash contents over seasons.

The weighted average percentage crude fibre varied from 4,9% in

Limpopo to 7,5% in the Northern Cape. The South African weighted

average was slightly higher this season (6,4%), 6,1% the previous


The in-house method used determines crude fibre as the loss

on ignition of the dried residue remaining after digestion of

the sample with 1,25% sulphuric acid (H




) and 1,25% sodium hy-

droxide (NaOH) solutions under specific conditions.

The results of this survey are available on the SAGL website

( )

. The hard copy reports are distributed to all the

directly affected groups and interested parties. The report is also

available for download in a PDF-format from the website.

Augustus 2016


Nuwe sojaboonwenners vir die mark


ensako se sojaboonkultivars vir produksie in Suid-Afrika

het hulle oorsprong in die teelprogram van Estación

Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres (EEAOC)

in Argentinië.

Die oudste openbare landbounavorsinginstansie in Argentinië (1909)

het die afgelope 106 jaar ‘n belangrike rol gespeel in die ontwikkeling

van sojabone. Sensako is bevoorreg om met die EEAOC saam te

werk en toegang te kry tot die beste kiemplasma en kultivars vir die

plaaslike mark.

Die kultivars en gevorderde teellyne deur hulle ontwikkel, is in

statistiese proewe in die plaaslike sojaboonproduksiegebiede ge-

toets en jaarliks deur die EEAOC-navorsingspan geëvalueer. Proef-

resultate toon dat die opbrengspotensiaal, aanpassing, stabiliteit

en stremmingsweerstand van dié kultivars oor produksie-omge-

wings kompeterend was gemeet teen

plaaslike kultivars die afgelope vyf seisoene


Grafiek 1






– SSS 6560


, SSS 5755


, SSS 4945



SSS 5052


en SSS 5449


, – uit die program

vrygestel wat wissel in agronomiese

eienskappe, volwassenheidsgroepering en

aanpassing by verskillende omgewings.

In kommersiële strookproewe het die

kultivars kompeterende opbrengste ge-

lewer ten spyte van die moeilike produk-

sietoestande. Saad van die kultivars is

kommersieel beskikbaar vir aanplanting in

die komende seisoen.

Ons noem dit die “Sensako effek” – Vorde-

ring deur navorsing.





Grafiek 1: Sojaboonkultivars se gemiddelde opbrengsprestasie oor vyf jaar.