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Integrated pest control


September 2015


Integration of insect-pathogenic

fungi with chemical insecticides




ARC-Small Grain Institute, Bethlehem


wareness of environmental damage caused by chemical

insecticides, several cases of insecticide resistance being

reported annually against different groups of insecticides

and strict regulations associated with chemical residues on

harvested commodities have prompted a renewed interest in the de-

velopment of more environmentally-sound pest control strategies.

Insects are prone to infection by fungi, known as insect-pathogenic

fungi, and the latter has been assessed as insecticides for more

than 100 years. However, only a few products have reached the

market, regardless of their potential. Biological control of cereal

aphids, such as the Russian wheat aphid (

Diuraphis noxia

), oat aphid


Rhopalosiphum padi

) and rose grain aphid (

Sitobion avenae

), using

insect-pathogenic fungi, holds much potential as these insects are

sap-feeders and fungi (as opposed to viruses and bacteria) do not

need to be ingested to cause infection.

The fungal spore, or conidium, which makes contact with the insect

cuticle, will germinate under favourable conditions and infect the

host by penetrating through the cuticle. Once inside the host, the

fungus can produce toxins and/or destroy internal organs leading to

death of the host, usually within four to five days.

After death, the fungus may emerge from the insect cadaver and

produce new spores on the surface of the insect, thereby increasing

the chances of other healthy aphids becoming infected (

Photo 1

). A

more detailed overview (in Afrikaans) of insect-pathogenic fungi was

published in

SA Graan/Grain

, September 2014, Vol 16(9). There have

been no reports of resistance development against insect-pathogen-

ic fungi thus far. These fungi are non-lethal to humans and animals

and leave no unwanted residues on the harvested commodity.

Constraints in implementing insect-pathogenic fungi as a compo-

nent of an integrated pest management (IPM) programme relate to a

relatively slow killing-rate and unpredictable results under field con-

ditions. Aphids also have the ability to rapidly increase in numbers,

thereby “escaping” the disease and successfully establishing pock-

ets of healthy aphids leading to new outbreaks.

Research at the ARC-Small Grain Institute (ARC-SGI) is now focus-

sing on the combined use of insect-pathogenic fungi with sub-lethal

doses of insecticide. Reduced doses of the chemical insecticide act

only as stress factor to render the insect more susceptible to the dis-

ease. Without chemically-induced mortality, selection for resistant

aphids is minimal.

Moreover, in the presence of the fungus, these stressed aphids are

killed more easily, while the diseased insects lose their ability to

withstand even the lower chemical dose they are exposed to. To-

gether, synergism between the chemical and fungus is noted, with

detrimental consequences for the pest. Other stress-related effects

that can be observed following exposure to reduced doses of insec-

ticides include reduced fecundity, i.e. inhibited reproduction, the in-

ability to mate, reduction in body size, and/or antifeedant behaviour.

Research is currently being conducted to test the compatibility of

insect-pathogenic fungi with various contact and systemic insec-

ticides registered against cereal aphids in South Africa. Although

compatibility has been noted, some chemicals have a deleterious ef-

fect on the fungus, inhibiting germination and/or vegetative growth.

On the other hand, some chemicals may actually stimulate fungal

sporulation and general development, thus enhancing overall fungal

performance. Ultimately, effective combinations require an under-

standing of the interactions between the fungal and chemical agents

involved. The fungus



has a wide host range and

has been studied extensively as a microbiological control agent

against numerous insect pests.

The ARC-SGI curates >400 indigenous strains of this fungus, ena-

bling wide-scale screening to identify suitable candidates for fur-

ther development. The chemical actives, pirimicarb, dimethoate

and acetamiprid, were found to be compatible with a strain of

B. bassiana

and will be used in field trials during the 2015/2016

season. Although immediate “tankmixtures” of the insect-pathogenic

fungi and (sub-lethal) chemical insecticide is the approach that is

now being explored, alternate or staggered applications also hold

potential. If, initially, a full-dose systemic insecticide is applied,

follow-up applications of the insect-pathogenic fungus (only) may

be directed at later aphid populations challenged by the weakened

or “diluted” systemic effect of the chemical.

Such populations would be expected to be only partially affected by

the chemical, now acting in a sub-lethal manner. Again, these pop-

ulations would be stressed by the chemical, rendering them more

susceptible to the fungus. The importance of aphid control within

the small grain industry is underscored by the periodic occurrence

of new resistance-breaking Russian wheat aphid biotypes (four

such biotypes are currently recognised in South Africa; RWASA1 -

RWASA4), as well as the growing problem of aphid-transmitted bar-

ley yellow dwarf virus especially by the oat aphid.

Chemicals continue to play a pivotal role in aphid management, but

the environmental footprint needs to be better managed. Combined

use thereof with insect-pathogenic fungi is a sensible strategy, war-

ranting further research.

This work also forms part of an MSc study (University of Kwa-

Zulu-Natal) by Nokulunga (Lungi) Mzimela and the latest re-

search findings will be published in the popular media from

time to time. For further information, please con-

tact Lungi Mzimela at


058 307 3442 or Dr Justin Hatting at


or 058 307 3468.

Russian wheat aphid

infected with an ento-

mopathogenic fungus.