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Abnormale lae temperature vroeg in Junie het veroorsaak dat plante

onder geweldige stres verkeer het en gevolglik het die patogeniese

effek van die virus na vore getree.

Die vraag is nou hoekom net die een spesifieke kultivar? Die antwoord

hierin lê waarskynlik in die geweldige aggressiewe saailinggroeikrag

van hierdie kultivar. Verskeie van die produsente het genoem dat

hierdie kultivar baie vinniger as hulle ander kanola ontwikkel het

en dat dit waarskynlik die mooiste kanola was wat hulle tot nog toe

gehad het.

Hierin opgesluit lê waarskynlik ‘n groot deel van die rede hoekom

die spesifieke kultivar uitgesonder is. As gevolg van die vinnige

Beet Western Yellow virus

vanjaar opgemerk

ontwikkeling was die saadbehandeling nie meer effektief nie en die

vermoede bestaan dat hierdie kultivar net soveel meer aanlokliker

was vir die groenperskeluis. Latere aanplantings het nie die virus-

effek getoon nie, waarskynlik omdat die saadbehandeling nog effek-

tief was.

Agricol is tans besig om metodes te ondersoek om die risiko van

verdere uitbrekings in die toekoms te beperk en sal binnekort voor-

stelle maak en inligting beskikbaarstel. Fokus sal hoofsaaklik wees

op die beheer van die vektore wat die virus oordra. Veral met die

fokus op die groenperskeluis wat blyk om die belangrikste vektor te

wees. Produsente is welkom om Agricol te kontak met enige verdere



September 2015

Plant-strengthening agent enhances

natural ability of plants to survive


rought, diseases and fungi: These are factors that pro-

ducers have no control over and they often have to watch

despondently as their crops are damaged. In addition, the

practice of breeding plants in special and strictly controlled

conditions has resulted in crops losing the chemical ability to protect

themselves in nature.

Researchers at the Department of Soil, Crop, and Climate Sciences

of the University of the Free State (UFS) have developed an organic

agent that restores this chemical imbalance in plants. It enables the

plant to build its own resistance against mild stress factors and thus

ensures increased growth and yield by the plant.



, a plant-strengthening agent, is the result of extensive re-

search by the German company, Agraforum AG, together with the

UFS. Commercialisation was initially limited to Europe, while re-

search was done at the UFS.

“Plants have become weak because they were grown specially

and in isolation. They can’t protect themselves any longer,” says

Dr Elmarie van der Watt from the department.

Dr Van der Watt says that, in nature, plants communicate by means

of natural chemicals as part of their resistance mechanisms towards

various stress conditions. These chemicals enable them to protect

themselves against stress conditions, such as diseases and fungi

(biotic conditions) or wind and droughts (abiotic conditions).

Most wild plant varieties are usually well-adapted to resist these

stress factors. However, monoculture crops have lost this ability to

a large extent.

The European researchers extracted these self-protection chemicals

from wild plants, and made them available to the UFS for research

and development.

“This important survival mechanism became dormant in monocul-

ture crops. ComCat essentially wakes the plant up and says ‘Hey, you

should start protecting yourself.’”

Research over the last few years has shown that the agent, applied

mostly as a foliar spray, subsequently leads to better seedlings, as

well as to growth, and it yields the enhancement of various crops.

This is good news for the agricultural sector as it does not induce un-

wanted early vegetative growth that could jeopardise the final yield

– as has happened in the past for nitrogen application at an early

growth stage.

“The use of synthetic agents, such as fungicides which contain cop-

per, are now banned. Nowadays, options for natural and organic

agriculture are being investigated. This product is already wide-

ly used in Europe, but because producers are often swamped by

quacks, the South African market is still somewhat sceptical.”

ComCat essentially wakes

the plant up and says

‘Hey, you should start

protecting yourself.’


director: Communication and Brand Management, University of the Free State



Integrated pest control