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Pneumonia in sheep


espiratory disease usually begins when an animal is stress-

ed. Stress from overcrowding, transportation, adverse

weather, lambing or other factors such as castration or tail

docking weakens the immune system. This then predis-

poses animals to viral infections, which sets the stage for infection

with bacteria that can settle in the lungs and cause severe damage.

Animals affected

All sheep are susceptible to respiratory disease. This however

increases in situations of stress. Respiratory disease, especially Pas-

teurellosis, is most often seen in young stock that has encounter-

ed multiple stresses. It is also a problem in all sheep when conditions

are dry and dusty. Contributing factors are: Overcrowding; dust;

poor ventilation; transportation; lack of adequate feed or water;

weather extremes including heat, cold and moisture; and lambing.


Pneumonia in lambs can be caused by bacteria, mycoplasma and



Mannheimia haemolytica


Pasteurella haemo-


) and





-type 3 (PI-3),


-virus, and


tory syncytial




Lungworm (

Dictyocaulus filarial


Clinical signs are poor appetite, fever, depression (stand alone with

head down; slow to move or get up), runny nose, discharge from

eyes (inflammation), coughing, difficulty breathing and wheezing.

Disease management: Prevention

The key to preventing respiratory disease is to reduce stress and

to vaccinate against bacteria that cause disease. Currently no

registered viral vaccines are available for sheep.

To reduce stress

Handle animals with care

Provide adequate rest, feed and water (especially after trans-


Minimise exposure to environmental conditions that contribute

to disease, such as dust, crowding and fumes and maintain good

housing and ventilation

Avoid overcrowding

Minimise heat stress

Keep animals as clean and dry as possible

Nutritional soundness also helps prevent disease and improve

immune function

Make sure animals receive adequate levels of vitamins and



A respiratory vaccination programme should include at least:

Mannheimia haemolytica

: Consider One Shot Ultra™ 7 Reg.

No. G2818 (Act 36/1947)

Primary vaccination: Administer a single 1 ml dose of One Shot

Ultra 7 to healthy sheep followed by a second dose of Ultra

Choice 7 (Reg. No. 2804 [Act 36/1947]), four to six weeks later

Revaccination: Annual revaccination with a single dose of One

Shot Ultra is recommended


Viral infections do not respond to antibiotics; however these

products are effective against many secondary bacterial infections.

Long-acting antibiotics such as Terramycin®/LA – Reg. No. G333

(Act 36/1947) – provide multiple days of therapy.

Dosage: 1 ml/10 kg body mass by intramuscular injection. In

sheep over 50 kg, it is recommended that the dose be divided and

administered at two injection sites.



Animal health


Daar is inderdaad sekere norms waaraan ‘n voerkraal moet voldoen.

Elke bees benodig ‘n sekere vreetspasie, staanspasie en besker-

ming teen die elemente.

Vir die voerkrip word ‘n minimumkriplengte van 150 mm per

bees benodig indien jong beeste

ad libitum

gevoer word. Ouer

beeste benodig ‘n langer kriplengte. Die aanbevole kriplengte in

aanpassingskrale is 300 mm per bees en die krippe by aanpas-

singskrale is ook vlakker.

Figuur 2

toon ‘n tipiese voerkripuitleg.

Die houkrale se ontwerp is net so belangrik. Sommige houkrale

kan rond wees en ander langwerpig of hoekig. Vir elke ontwerp is

daar sekere voor- en nadele. Ronde komplekse raak ook ‘n opsie

omdat dit goedkoper is om te bou en minder materiaal vereis.

Drukgange is ‘n integrale deel van ‘n voerkraal. Dit moet so ontwerp

word dat dit die hantering vergemaklik en die stres op diere

verminder. Tog moet dit sterk genoeg wees om jarelange diens te


Die materiaal wat gebruik word om die fasiliteit mee te bou, is

baie belangrik. Baie plastiekgedeeltes kom in die omloop wat dalk

goedkoper en sterker as staal kan wees. Hierdie keuse moet ver-

seker met groot oorleg geneem word.

‘n Volledige handleiding oor vleisbeesfasiliteite is beskikbaar by die

LNR-Instituut vir Landbou-ingenieurswese. Hierdie handleiding kan

help om beter idees te verkry en te implementeer.

Kontak Elmarie Stoltz by 012 842 4017 of


vir meer inligting oor hierdie insiggewende






March 2015

1: RFID-tegnologie word vergelyk met die grootte

van ‘n ryskorrel.

2: ‘n Tipiese voerkrip.

SA Graan/

Sasol Chemicals (Kunsmis) fotokompetisie

– Fred Beck 2014