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New Micronutrient Fertilisers

Offer Improved Early Season Nutrition

Wolf Trax DDP


Nutrients Provide the Nutrition South African Farmers Need for their Crops

The innovative portfolio of Wolf Trax DDP (Dry Dispersible Powder) Nutrients by Compass Minerals is now available

for South African crop farmers. Wolf Trax DDP Nutrients are micronutrient and secondary nutrient fertilisers

designed with unique technologies that make sure farmers get the most from their fertiliser investment.

Better Coating Technology for Easy Use

Featuring patented EvenCoat™ Technology, Wolf Trax

DDP Nutrients are coated onto N-P-K fertiliser blends

via electrostatic adhesion. This means binders and liquids

are not added to the blend. With this unique feature,

farmers can achieve even micronutrient distribution

throughout a field with improved flowability through

application equipment.

Quick-Acting, Long-Lasting Nutrition

Formulated for DUAL ACTION™ Availability, Wolf Trax

DDP Nutrients provide plants the nutrition they need,

when it’s needed. Each Wolf Trax DDP Nutrient product

has at least two sources of the mineral:

• One form is quickly available

• The other form releases slowly over time

“Early and prolonged uptake is something other

micronutrient fertilisers haven’t been able to offer,” says

Andre Kondonis, Compass Minerals representative for

southern Africa. “Other products provide either quick

uptake or delayed uptake – but not both.”

Kondonis stresses the importance of early season

micronutrients to optimise yield. “The crop needs

micronutrients within the first 14 days of growth to

achieve its full yield potential,” Kondonis explains.

“In most cases, the yield difference won’t be tons per

hectare. But on a large scale, increasing yield by several

kilograms per hectare over all the hectares of a farm –

that can be significant.”

Customised Blends for Each Field’s Need

Because each field is unique, any combination of Wolf

Trax DDP Nutrients can be added to a fertiliser blend.

Based on their soil test results, farmers can choose

one or more of the Wolf Trax products to create

customised blends:

High-Quality, Safe Fertilisers

Only high-purity, feed-grade ingredients are used in the

manufacturing of Wolf Trax DDP Nutrients, to ensure few

contaminants and safe handling.

Research-Tested, Field-Proven Products

Wolf Trax Nutrients have a history of proven field

performance around the world – ranging from the maize

fields of the United States, to potato farms in Europe, and

soybean fields in Brazil.

“We are currently running independent trials in

South Africa and have conducted field trials in Zimbabwe,”

Kondonis says. “We will continue to evaluate best

fertiliser practices using Wolf Trax DDP Nutrients –

the ideal micronutrients for South African farmers.”

For more information about Wolf Trax Nutrients,

please contact


and we’ll put you in touch with your nearest

Wolf Trax Nutrient supplier.

• Zinc DDP

• Boron DDP

• Copper DDP

• Iron DDP

• Magnesium DDP

• Manganese DDP

• Calcium DDP