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1. Only amateur photographers (in other words people who do not make a living

from taking photos) may enter the competition.

2. Participants may enter a maximum of three photos (with varying subjects) per

edition. If more than three photos are entered, the first three photos received

will be considered for the competition.

3. Photographers may enter their photographs up until the deadline each month. En-

tries received after this date will be entered for the following month’s competition.

4. A participant who is announced as a monthly winner may not enter the competition

for the following three editions.

5. Photos that are entered must be unique and should not portray the same theme

as photos entered for other competitions. Photos entered may not have been pub-

lished previously.

6. Entries should portray the theme ‘Farm nostalgia’.

7. Photographers must provide a caption for the photo as well as their postal address

and telephone number/s.

8. People on the photos must be identified (provide a name and surname).

9. A panel consisting of two professional photographers, a representative of

SA Graan/Grain

as well as Sasol, will judge the photos each month.

10. Only emailed entries will be accepted. The photos must not be bigger than 10 MB

each, must be JPG-format and not smaller than 15 cm x 20 cm. If photos are taken

with a film camera, the photos must be scanned at a resolution of 300 dpi.

11. Digitally manipulated photos (that are changed digitally) will not be accepted. To

crop a photo is, however, not considered as digital manipulation.


SA Graan/Grain

reserves the right to reject photos that are blurry and/or do not

adhere to the competition rules.

13. All entries become the property of Grain SA. The photos will be stored in a data

bank and Grain SA and Sasol may use it for future promotions, marketing and

publication purposes. By entering the competition, the entrant agrees to this and

no third party claims for copyright violation may be submitted.

14. Employees of Sasol, Grain SA and Infoworks may not enter the competition.


hat makes you nostalgic? What makes you think back and miss

the farm? An old rusting planter standing under a tree? The

milk can of days long gone by? A small child feeding an orphan

lamb? Maybe the veteran tractor that is still used to plough the field?

Or maybe the old stone wall of a kraal or a farm gate? Or maybe a century-

old farmhouse?

The theme for the 2017 Grain SA/Sasol photo competition is ‘

Farm nos-


’. We are really looking forward to see our readers’ interpretation of

this unique theme.


Come on, subscribe: Who knows, maybe you are one of the



who will win

R1 500

in cash or maybe you will be the one walking

away with the grand prize of R15 000 at the end of the competition.

From January 2017 a winner will be selected by a panel of judges each month

for twelve editions. The monthly winner walks away with a cash prize of

R1 500 and the twelve finalists each comes into contention for the

R15 000




R10 000




and a

third prize


R5 000

. A big thank you

to Sasol who sponsored the prize money again: R48 000 in total.

Farm nostalgia

Send photos to .

Remember to include your name, contact details

and a caption for each photo with your entry.






MAY 2017: 4 MAY

JUNE 2017: 31 MAY

Congratulations to Tiani Claassen from Reitz whose photo ‘Op ‘n drafstap – ver in die Groot Karoo...’ won her a cash prize of R1 500.