odern farming equipment represents a huge invest-
ment. Replacement parts that can withstand the
harsh demands of agricultural applications and
reduce costs, have resulted in an increased use of
engineering thermoplastics. Thermoplastics are
tough, durable and lightweight and the increase in
service life make them a perfect alternative to traditional construc-
tion materials.
Advantages of thermoplastic parts
Lightweight, especially when compared to metals.
Durable and corrosion resistant.
Optimum load capacity with minimum wear.
Low friction and low wear – increase part life and result in less
down time, thus increasing efficiencies.
Cost effective – overall very economical to produce.
Self-lubricating properties. This also saves costs by eliminating the
use of lubrication fluids. External lubrication can also cause prob-
lems with dust and grease build-up and leach into the surround-
ing soil and water.
Resistant to environmental decay – will not rot, swell, splinter or
Very little soil adherence compared to metal counterpart – less
weight and carry-back.
We as Maizey Engineering Plastics are specialists in our field. We of-
fer high levels of material selection advice and application devel-
opment support across a wide range of industries with extensive
solutions already developed to support the agricultural industry. A
widespread distribution footprint in Southern Africa ensures product
availability, whilst high levels of technical expertise mean we excel in
delivering innovative applications.
Key focus areas
Semi-finished materi-
als distribution.
Applications devel-
opment, support and
CAD/CAM design.
Custom machining
and industrial fabri-
Kevin Govender,
chief sales officer, Maizey Engineering Plastics
thermoplastics perform
Replacement parts reduce cost and
improve efficiencies.
19 March 2019 07:15:55 PM