May 2018
n line with its commitment to provide
the latest technology and best prod-
ucts to South African maize producers,
Monsanto SA hosted a series of Dekalb
Technology Information days during Febru-
ary and March to bring vital information to
maize producers, helping them to unlock
their full potential.
On 8 March producers in the Lichtenburg
region had an opportunity to find out more
about the latest Dekalb seed technology for
the 2018/2019 season.
Secrets to success
Prof Fred Below, a professor of crop physi-
ology in the Department of Crop Sciences
at the University of Illinois in the USA, cap-
tivated the audience with his presentation.
His research is focused on understanding
factors limiting crop productivity, particu-
larly corn and soybean.
He developed the
Seven wonders of the
corn yield world
and the
Six secrets of soy-
bean success
as tools to teach producers
and agricultural professionals the value of
their individual crop management decisions.
Prof Below is actively using these concepts
to develop systems capable of sustainably.
Prof Below addressed the differences be-
tween maize production in South Africa and
the USA and shared his seven secrets for
an increased maize yield. Even though the
conditions in South Africa differ vastly from
those in the USA, Prof Below insisted that the
secrets are applicable to all maize producers.
‘Maize is undoubtedly the crop that shows
the largest response to technology and
management,’ he shared. According to
Prof Below many factors affect the crop
growth and development during the grow-
ing season. These seven factors or secrets
which are in constant interaction with each
other are: The weather, nitrogen, hybrid
selection, previous crop grown, plant popu-
lation, tillage or no-tillage and growth regu-
lators. He added that the higher the factor
is on the list, the bigger its influence on
the yield.
Information stations
At the information stands attendees could
gain valuable information throughout the
day about Dekalb’s white and yellow maize
cultivars, plant population, irrigation, tech-
nology and pests of maize.
share at technology day
Product information
1: Magda du Toit (corporate engagement and communication manager: Monsanto SA),
with the keynote speaker, Prof Fred Below.
2: Christo van der Rheede (deputy executive director, Agri SA), shared an overview of the interna-
tional and local landscape for agriculture and tackled the controversial issue of land reform. With
him is Kobus Steenekamp (managing director, Monsanto SA).
3: The Dekalb team who are involved in genetic purity testing to assure genetic purity:
Tebogo Matjeding (genetic quality laboratory manager), Aneen Schoeman (biotechnology man-
ager), Excellent Ndaba (physiology seed) and Lelanie Matthee (physiology laboratory manager).
4: Tony Johnson (agronomist), answers the questions Johan Wilken, a producer from Randfontein,
has about the new cultivar which is 100% resistant to fall armyworm.
5: With the promise of rain in the background, Paul Groenewald, agronomist, discussed the
qualities of the new white maize hybrid. DKC76-77BR came out tops in trials in the western part
of the region.
SA Graan/Grain
editorial team