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October 2017

project (no. K5/2401, with a summary pub-

lished in the WRC Knowledge Review for

2014/2015) is jointly funded by the WRC

and DAFF and is being conducted by a

collaborative team under the leadership of

Prof Adriaan van Niekerk of Stellenbosch


Essentially, water consumption by crops

can be determined by estimating actual

evapotranspiration (ET) from remote-

sensing data, processed with complex

algorithms. This is not the first time the

approach has been used in South Africa.

A previous WRC project by Jarmain

et al


(2014, WRC Report No. TT 602/14) used sat-

ellite imagery and the Surface Energy Bal-

ance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) model to

estimate actual evapotranspiration, as well

as biomass production, crop yield and wa-

ter use efficiency, for maize and sugarcane

in selected growing areas in the Northern

Cape and Mpumalanga respectively. That

research, which included extensive field

measurements and comparison with other

models, demonstrated the accuracy of

the SEBAL model and the benefits of a re-

mote-sensing approach.

In 2009, however, the developers of SEBAL

in The Netherlands had released ETLook,

a more advanced model, and it was decided

that this should be used to produce actual

evapotranspiration data for the entire coun-

try and to update information on the area

under irrigation.

‘Because we’re looking at the whole of

South Africa, with its big climatic gradients,

the ETLook model is more suitable than

SEBAL, which was developed for a smaller

area with more homogeneous climate,’ says

Dr Caren Jarmain, a key member of the

project team. ‘ETLook also splits the evapo-

transpiration into evaporation and transpi-

ration, which we could not do with SEBAL.’

The period 1 August 2014 to 31 July 2015

was chosen for the project, with satellite,

land cover and meteorological data fed into

the model to produce daily outputs that

were combined to generate twelve month-

ly actual evapotranspiration maps. These

monthly maps were in turn aggregated into

an annual actual evapotranspiration map,

which represents a ‘snapshot’ for that year

of the water use by vegetation, expressed

in mm/year, over the entire country at a res-

olution of 250 m.

Next, South Africa’s likely irrigated areas

were mapped as accurately as possible us-

ing remote sensing and other spatial data

on land cover and field boundaries. The

annual actual evapotranspiration map and

an annual rainfall map were then used to

create a map showing the difference be-

tween water use and rainfall for every

250 m x 250 m pixel.

Applying the assumption that irrigation is

likely to occur where water use exceeds the

rainfall, the first version of the irrigated agri-

cultural map was generated.

‘This seemed to work reasonably well for

most areas, but there were a few excep-

tions, so our approach was further refined,’

explains Dr Jarmain.

A sophisticated machine-learning analysis

was performed using additional datasets

derived from high-resolution remote sens-

ing and ETLook modelling that took into

account the different climatic regions of

South Africa, as well as seasonal influences.

The project team is now seeking feedback

on this second version of the map, but re-

minding respondents that the map shows

actively irrigated agricultural areas for the

year 2014/2015 rather than the current situ-

ation. Landowners and water managers can

visit the web portal


to zoom into their area of

interest and check whether particular fields

are correctly labelled as either irrigated or

rain-fed. They can also identify areas under

shade-net, enter any other comments, and

select the relevant crop type.

Providing information on crop type would

allow the project team to estimate the wa-

ter consumed by specific crops. They have

already done this in certain areas where

such data is available, which has allowed for

some interesting comparisons. For exam-

ple, a plot of the monthly water use of a field

of irrigated table grapes against one with

rain-fed wheat in the Western Cape shows

that the wheat used slightly more water

than the grape crop during the wet winter

months and peaked in September, but the

grapes consumed significantly more water

in summer.

Another example illustrating the differ-

ence between irrigated and rain-fed fields

of the same crop type shows that irrigated

sugarcane in Mpumalanga used consider-

ably more water than rain-fed sugarcane in

KwaZulu-Natal throughout the year.

While these two examples compared indi-

vidual fields, water use information can also

be extracted for multiple fields of a crop

type to glean an understanding of the varia-

tion in water use due to differences in water

availability, efficiency of water use, culti-

vation, irrigation systems, cultivars, soils

and other factors.

Again considering sugarcane, which is com-

mercially grown in the summer rainfall re-

gion, analyses of large areas showed that

most of the population in rain-fed fields

had an annual water consumption of be-

tween 700 mm and 900 mm, while the bulk

of the population in irrigated fields used

1 000 mm to 1 200 mm. In the winter rainfall

region, irrigated apples were found to have

used more water during the year than irri-

gated citrus.

The project team would like to do more of

such analyses, in light of the fact that many

new cultivars and crops have been intro-

duced to South Africa over the past 20 years

and little is known about their water use and

crop water requirements.

‘Our methodology allows us to tell whether

or not a field is irrigated and we can do a wa-

ter use estimate even if we don’t know what

the crop type is – that’s the beauty of a re-

mote-sensing model like ETLook,’ explains

Dr Jarmain. ‘But knowing what the crops are

would certainly add more value.’

The challenge, however, is to find reliable

information on crop distribution.

Graph 1: Analysis conducted for large areas of sugarcane in the summer rainfall region

reveal the difference in water use between irrigated (blue) and rainfed (red) sugarcane.