SA Graan Junie 2014 - page 65

isolates is conducted. Each one of the validated Fusarium
head blight resistance donors (male parent) will then be crossed in
a one directional manner to South African wheat varieties (female
parent) adapt for irrigation conditions.
Once the lines areadvanced toBC
generations, theywill be
evaluated in the fieldunder irrigation in twometer rowsatBethlehem,
South Africa. After the second year annual Fusarium head blight
resistance nurseries will be publicly released to the South African
wheat industry for useby all breeding companies.
After the third year the first formal germplasm registration and
international release will be made of specific lines containing high
Fusarium head blight resistance and Deoxynivalenol resistance
levelswithinspecificSouthAfricancultivar backgrounds.Ultimately,
it is expected in the years to come that a number of commercially
released Fusarium head blight resistant spring wheat irrigation
cultivars will become available in South Africa directly as a result
of this diverse pre-breedingprogramme carriedout at theARC-SGI,
Bethlehem campus.
These cultivars should then be used in combination with other
control practices to successfully control potential future Fusarium
head blight epidemics. This pre-breeding programme is the
beginningof the forthcomingdevelopment of diverseFusariumhead
blight resistant germplasm.
For anyquestions, please contact Scott Sydenhamor
CathydeVilliers at 058 307 3400.
4: The reliable Fusariumheadblight infection levels expressed in the field trial to accurately screen resistantmaterial.
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