Julie 2017
The importance of soil health
oil health is a vital component to any successful farm. The
health of one’s soil directly affects crop yield, with healthier
soil generally producing increased yields. Soil health de-
pends on a variety of factors, including correct fertilisation,
irrigation techniques, organic carbon content, and the levels of cer-
tain soil micro-organisms.
Amongst these micro-organisms, bacteria and fungi in the soil
serve several important functions, such as breaking down certain
toxic substances, contributing to improved water penetration in the
soil and assisting with the cycling and transformation of nutrients.
In addition to this, correct fertilisation must be followed to ensure
continued soil health with the aim of improving water and nutri-
ent use efficiency. Incorrect and inefficient fertilisation techniques
will negatively affect crop quality and yield and eventually the profit-
ability of your farm.
Omnia Nutriology
not only specialises in replenishing soil with the
components it requires to be healthy, it also places an emphasis
on sustainability to maximise long-term crop yield and soil health.
Fertilisation is a science and Omnia Fertilizer is internationally
recognised and respected for the techniques, products and servi-
ces we have developed.
Soil health matters to us and we believe in taking a holistic approach
to crop management. Far from being men in white lab coats that
dictate to producers what they should and shouldn’t do with their
farms and crops, Omnia Fertilizer believes in taking an action
research-inspired approach.
We work hand-in-hand with producers to research and develop
more effective fertilisation and farming techniques. Our team of
qualified scientists and agronomists work tirelessly to innovate
and improve on our existing technology and products to deliver
the best possible service to our producers.
The company is aware that soil type varies from region to region
and producers can expect a solution customised to their farm and
the specific soil types. Our producers get excellent value for their
hard-earned money when they employ our services and make use
of our products.
Our holistic philosophy sets us apart from competitors and one of
our major strengths is our team of over 100 agronomists, scientists
and agents who provide on-farm advice and assistance to produc-
ers. An agronomist (colloquially referred to as a ‘soil doctor’) is
an expert who specialises in soil productivity. Our agronomic team
works directly with producers to assess soil health and increase
soil productivity, all in the interest of increased crop yield and opti-
mum farm profitability.
When Omnia Fertilizer’s agronomists are not providing on-farm
and collaborative assistance to producers, they are busy work-
ing with our agronomic research and development (R&D) and
Chemtech R&D teams in our world-class Chemtech laboratories,
researching, developing, and refining new products and techniques.
Before we release a new product or service, we conduct several
trials on farms and in greenhouses to ensure that these are of the
highest quality.
Another important part of Omnia Fertilizer’s business model is our
development of new technologies. These technologies are aimed
specifically at soil health and sustainability, with a specific emphasis
on reduced risk and increased crop yields.
is a management system that helps producers to
utilise resources at an optimal level and includes technologies such
as OmniZone
maps and OmniRiskIQ
, both of which were designed
with precision agriculture in mind. Precision agriculture entails
collecting, processing and analysing data to develop practical
plans that encompass optimal land management and soil health
Our company offers a wide variety of superb quality services and
products, with soil health, sustainability and producer collaboration
at the forefront of our philosophy and business model. Producers
deciding to make use of Omnia Fertilizer’s products and services
can expect excellent value for money.
manager, OmniBio™
Healthy soil is sustainable and
sustainability is the future.
Product information