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July 2017

ponder on in a changing world; ‘What if there

is no soil?’

The country would produce less food

against projected demand and this would

lead to higher food prices and the industry

would reach a crisis point which would trig-

ger a cycle of bigger effects such as health

and food security. He concluded his presen-

tation on sustainability of soil by saying that

we must get the system right by develop-

ing sustainable management practices and

agricultural products such as bio fertilisers.

Highlighting the implications of climate

change on agriculture, Prof Roland Schulze,

Centre for Water Resources Research, Uni-

versity of KwaZulu-Natal, indicated that our

current climate is anything but sustainable.

It impacts on the loss of fertiliser through

drainage which is caused by heavy rains

that takes away the soil nutrients.

Ultimately, this impacts on crop yields,

food security and of course the fertiliser in-

dustry. This was concluded with the need

to recognise that climate issues and change

are real. We need to implement adaptation

and improve on coping strategies; we also

need to realise that this is a multi-genera-

tional issue and admit the need to mitigate

and reduce emissions.

Last on the programme was Dr Herman van

Schalkwyk, group chief executive officer

of Suidwes Landbou, who spoke about the

competitiveness and the sustainability of

South African agriculture.

In order for the industry to reach long term

sustainability, the country has to be com-

petitive and this depends on a host of fac-

tors such as product quality, efficiency

and productivity as well as the capacity to

compete globally. However, the sustainable

advantage requires a continuous upgrading

of resources and as such we need strong

investment in resources while incorporating

old values.

In a nutshell, the Fertasa Congress encap-

sulated the representation of what current

affairs mean for the future of the agricultural

industry by taking into consideration the

direct and indirect linkages in this industry

and mapping out the supportable strategies

to be implemented in order to reach a com-

mon goal, which is sustainability.

5: Prof Isaiah Wakindiki

6: Prof Roland Schulze

7: Dr Herman van Schalkwyk




Onder omstandighede waar loging en vervlugtiging nie beperk is

nie en dit waarskynlik tot ‘n baie groter mate voorgekom het,

was die gemiddelde opbrengsvoordeel 13,6% vir KAN bo ureum

oor ses studies in drie lande (Bundy, 1992, Mangel en Hawkins,

1995, Avalis, 1998, ITGC, 2004, Gordon, 2008, Schwab en Mur-

dock, 2010).

Die opbrengsreaksie van ammoniumnitraat was oor drie studies

gemiddeld 8,2% hoër as met ureum plus NBPT, waar vervlugti-

ging ‘n rol sou speel en daar derhalwe ‘n positiewe reaksie op

urease-inhibeerders verwag is (Bundy, 1992, Gordon, 2008 en

Schwab en Murdock, 2010).

Die potensiële winsvoordele wat KAN bo ureum en ureum plus

NBPT volgens die aangehaalde internasionale navorsing inhou,

word vir bepaalde hipotetiese prysscenario’s ter illustrasie in

Tabel 1


Tabel 3

uitgebeeld en in onderstaande gevolgtrekkings


Vervoerkoste speel ‘n baie belangrike rol in gelewerde N-een-

heidsprysverskille tussen N-bronne en daarom behoort vergely-

kings vir elke lokaliteit afsonderlik gemaak te word. Die N-peil vir

‘n bepaalde opbrengs kan ook aansienlik van die gemiddelde syfers

in die tabelle verskil.

Veranderings in die mielieprys wat nie hier aangedui is nie, sal ook

die winsverskille tussen N-bronne beïnvloed. Aansienlike prysver-

skille is as vertrekpunt gebruik om winsverskille relatief daartoe

te illustreer en afleidings te maak.


Wanneer KAN slegs ‘n 5,5% hoër opbrengs as ureum lewer

weens beperking van vervlugtiging en loging en die N-prys

van KAN is 55,7% hoër as dié van ureum, is dit meer wins-

gewend om KAN as ureum te gebruik – hetsy by R2 000/ton

of R3 000/ton mielies (Tabel 1). Indien KAN aansienlik meer

as 55,7% duurder as ureum is, mag dit moontlik by die hoë

N-peile vir hoër opbrengs by ‘n mielieprys van R2 000/ton

nie meer winsgewend as ureum wees nie.

Wanneer KAN 13,6% hoër opbrengs as ureum lewer, weens

geen beperking van vervlugtiging en loging nie (soos meer

algemeen voorkom) en die N-prys van KAN is 55,7% hoër as dié

van ureum, is dit meer winsgewend om KAN as ureum te ge-

bruik – hetsy by R2 000/ton of R3 000/ton mielies (Tabel 2).

Dieselfde afleiding behoort steeds by selfs groter prysverskille

as 55,7% gemaak te kan word.

Wanneer KAN 8,2% hoër opbrengs as ureum plus NBPT lewer

weens NBPT se beperking van vervlugtiging en toksisiteit en die

N-prys van KAN is 19,7% hoër as dié van ureum plus NBPT, is

dit meer winsgewend om KAN as ureum plus NBPT te gebruik

– hetsy by R2 000/ton of R3 000/ton mielies (Tabel 3). Dieselfde

afleiding behoort steeds by selfs groter prysverskille as 19,7%

gemaak te kan word.

Risiko’s verbonde aan die keuse van ‘n N-bron soos ernstige

vervlugtiging, loging en toksisiteit weens uitsonderlike kli-

maatsomstandighede soos droogte, hoë temperature en hoë

reënval, behoort bo en behalwe normale effektiwiteitsverskille

en winsverskille ook in die keuse van N-bronne in aanmerking

geneem te word.

Vir meer inligting kontak Sasol Chemikalieë. Let wel: Raadpleeg

‘n gekwalifiseerde landboukundige vir meer lokaliteit-spesifieke


Maak dit sin om meer vir KAN te betaal?