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December 2018

this regard to DAFF. A priority list is devel-

oped for plant commodities to be exported

to the major target markets. Historically, this

is done on a first-come, first-served basis,

usually reflecting the size or resources of the

industry involved. The lists are reviewed, as

required, by the industry.

On receiving the industry’s written request

for market access, DAFF Directorate Plant

Health sends a letter of request to its techni-

cal counterpart (NPPO) in the target country.

Depending on the country concerned, this

may be communicated via the DAFF Agri-

cultural Attaché for that country, or directly

to the official contact point of the NPPO

of that country, and copied to the relevant

DAFF Attaché.

At the same time, the NPPO of the target

country is requested to provide its pest

information questionnaire. This covers all

the scientific and technical information the

plant health authorities need for conducting

a scientific phytosanitary import risk analy-

sis, or pest risk analysis. Risk management

decisions are based on the assessment of

the pest risk involved for a specific com-

modity and its country of origin. The import

requirements are designed to manage the

anticipated risk of pests accompanying the

commodity that are not already present in

the importing country, at a level of protec-

tion acceptable to the importing country.

In South Africa, the required pest informa-

tion package is compiled by industry tech-

nical experts, and scrutinised by the DAFF

Pest Risk Analysis team and other compo-

nents, if relevant, to ensure that it is correct

and complete. When it has been finalised,

Directorate Plant Health provides it as an of-

ficial document to the plant health authori-

ties (NPPO) of the trading partner.

The scientific pest risk assessment pro-

cess includes categorisation of the listed

organisms as quarantine pests or not; as-

sessment of the probability of their entry;

establishment and spread in the importing

country; and assessment of the potential

negative consequences of introduction into

the importing country.

Once an organism has been listed as a

quarantine pest that is likely to follow the

specific commodity pathway and establish

in the importing country, management op-

tions are investigated. These must be nec-

essary, proportional to the estimated risk,

feasible and the least trade restrictive. Envi-

ronmental and socioeconomic issues must

also be considered appropriately.

Exchanges of technical communications

between the plant health authorities of the

two countries continue until the potential

importing partner has completed its risk

analysis, communicated the identified pest

risks to the potential exporting side, and

the two NPPOs have reached agreement on

the required import measures.

For exports, NPPOZA must strive to en-

sure that the phytosanitary import require-

ments of its trading partners are necessary,

technically justified and the least trade re-

strictive. In the process, differing opinions

may arise and trading partners may require

additional information as technical justifi-

cation for South Africa’s viewpoints or re-


The importing side provides its draft pest

risk analysis report for consideration of

the NPPO of the exporting country and,

based on the results of the pest risk analysis

report, its draft phytosanitary import meas-

ures for the commodity in question. Some-

times this is a two-step process.

To conclude the risk analysis process and/

or initiate exports, most importing countries

need to send at least one technical team to

South Africa. The intention is to observe

and inspect production areas, farms and

export facilities with the aim of ensuring

that all required phytosanitary measures are

in place.

For such visits to South Africa, DAFF Di-

rectorate Plant Health obtains confirmation

from the industry involved that it will fund

the visit according to the trading partner’s


When the NPPOZA is satisfied that the best

agreement possible in the circumstances

has been negotiated within the parameters

agreed with industry, the agreement may

be concluded. It is then subjected to the

required processes in the importing coun-

try and put into action. Alternatively, it may

need to be signed at a high government

level, between the responsible ministers.

Both types of processes may take an addi-

tional several months.

After signing and/or completion of the re-

quired official procedures, operational and

technical arrangements for trade in these

commodities may proceed. This usually

requires the provision to the phytosanitary

authorities of the importing country of an

official list of approved production units and

pack houses, each facility having a unique

code for traceability purposes.

In South Africa, this relies on the DAFF

Food Business Operator (FBO) coding pro-

cess, managed by DAFF Directorate Food

Safety and Quality Assurance. The first step

towards compliance with phytosanitary

import requirements entails an official reg-

istration and verification procedure for the

farms and facilities involved. The required

processes and databases are managed by

DAFF Directorate Plant Health, and the in-

spection and verification process undertak-

en by Directorate Inspection Services.

Government support

In view of the processes involved, mar-

ket access demands long-term strategic

planning, and identification of those com-

modity-market pairings with the highest

economic potential in order to obtain maxi-

mum economic benefit for South Africa.

As indicated, in South Africa and most of its

target markets, the technical access process

entails a time-consuming series of steps, in-

cluding pest risk assessment and develop-

ment of risk management options for those

pests that are reasonably expected to be

associated with the plant part to be traded

as well as negotiation of the least trade re-

strictive risk mitigation measures.

The key to phytosanitary market access and

maintenance is the availability of an ade-

quately resourced, effectively co-ordinated

official NPPO, and the capacity to provide

reliable, up to date scientific and technical

information on all the pests associated with

a particular commodity in the country of

origin. It also demands a credible phytosani-

tary verification, inspection and trace-back

system in order to ensure compliance with

the phytosanitary import requirements of

international target markets.

Another pillar for market access and main-

tenance is the maintenance of a credible

phytosanitary inspection, verification and

certification system upon which trading

partners can rely to ensure compliance with

their phytosanitary import requirements.

This requires competent pest diagnostic

support services.

For scientific and technical information,

DAFF relies heavily on support from techni-

cal experts in the commodity organisations

involved. They have specialist knowledge of

the commodity concerned as well as more

ready access to scientific journals and fund-

ing for research than DAFF.

Market access and maintenance also re-

quire the capacity and resources to conduct

pest surveys and pest surveillance. This is

necessary in order to monitor and verify

pest status in South Africa, as well as sup-

port an early detection system for pests of

quarantine concern.

Members of the IPPC are required to inform

trading partners of any change in phytosani-

tary status that may pose a risk in interna-

tional trade.

In terms of compliance with import require-

ments, DAFF relies on producers’ capacity

and commitment to monitor, manage and

mitigate the risks of pests of quarantine con-

cern to the importing country, and industry

support to producers in this respect.

The authors gratefully acknowledge DAFF

s contribution without which this article wouldn’t have been possible.