July 2018
Graan SA/Grain SA
skud sy vere reg
Alzena Gomes,
public relations officer, Grain SA
aunched in 2016, the Grain SA Learner Project, hosted an
nually during the NAMPO Harvest Day, once again proved
extremely successful in its third year running. Since its incep
tion, Grain SA’s digital media partners, Lumico, invited local
Grade 11 and Grade 12 learners to attend a digital and social media
short course hosted during the NAMPO Harvest Day.
The world's media is ever changing and digital media is not just
the future of communication, but also changes the modus operandi
of the media landscape, small businesses, corporate enterprises
and entrepreneurial endeavours.
Learning a wide range of basic digital and social media skills, the
introductory course covers photography, videography, interview
ing, social media platforms, advertising on social media and earn
ing an income from the digital media landscape. Following a short
coursework stint each morning, learners navigate the Harvest Day
grounds and crowds to create video and audio material which
are then utilised on the NAMPO digital media platforms. Staying
up to date with what is happening in the media world, learners are
taught digital media principles and are given smartphones with
which to capture those special moments as photos, animated
videos or audio recordings.
The purpose of this initiative is to further Grain SA’s involvement
in the community. Always looking for ways to uplift, contribute
and involve the local community, this Grain SA initiative equips
these learners with the skills to assist small businesses and entre
preneurs with establishing a unique digital footprint. By training
learners in effective use of social media as a medium, they are also
given the opportunity to earn extra pocket money by promoting
and advertising their newfound skills back home.
Learners from both Diphetoho Secondary School and the NAMPO
Agriculture Combined School have enrolled in the programme and
each one became a valuable member of the digital content team
during the NAMPO Harvest Day. They practised their newfound
skills daily, showed immense progress throughout the week and
graduated with pride as the Harvest Day drew to a close.
Jannie de Villiers
(CEO of Grain SA)
with some of the
local Grade 11
and Grade 12
learners during
Harvest Day.
AMPO Kaap, ‘n splinternuwe landbou-en-nywerheids
tentoonstelling, vind vanjaar vanaf 12 - 14 September in
samewerking met die Bredasdorp Park NPO op Bredas
dorp plaas. Graan SA sien uit om sy lede in die eksklusie-
we gasvryheidslokaal op die terrein te ontvang.
Waarna besoekers kan uitsien
Die immergewilde
Nasie In Gesprek
-forum gaan vanjaar ook by
NAMPO Kaap aangebied word, met insiggewende gesprekke en
relevante onderwerpe vir die produsent en die landbou-uitdagings
van vandag.
Verder kan besoekers daagliks praktiese trekker- en implement
demonstrasies, asook gewasdemonstrasies besigtig en na op
windende demonstrasies op die 4x4-baan kyk. En soos dit ‘n
landboutentoonstelling betaam, sal die veekomponent nie afge
skeep word nie. Diere-uitstallings sal deel vorm van die uitstal-
lings. ‘n Jeug-, veehanteerder-, perde- en wolverbeteringskou word
onder andere beplan, asook skaapskeerdemonstrasies. Maak seker
dat jy nie die skaaptelkompetisie misloop nie!
‘n Beginnerboer- en plaaswerkersprogram word ook aangebied.
‘n Daaglikse vroueprogram sal aangebied word, met kosdemon
strasies, dekor, inspirasie en talle produkuitstallings gerig op die
skoner geslag, insluitend klere-, juwele-, dekor- en verskeie handge
maakte items. Blommeliefhebbers moet NAMPO Kaap beslis nie
misloop nie, aangesien ‘n pragtige blomme-uitstalling ten toon ge
stel sal word.
Vir meer inligting besoek