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October 2015


Soil conservation and health benefits

Stooling rye is a very valuable cover crop and can be used for ero-

sion control. When lands are going to be planted to soybean or

maize, the soil can be protected over winter by this species.

It can also be used as a winter cover crop for continuous minimum

tillage of maize when the maize crop is harvested early.

It has many positive effects on soil structure and chemical status.

Because of its quick growing fibrous root system, rye makes full

use of the various soil layers, and in doing so, it improves soil

permeability, soil moisture content and soil biodiversity (earth-

worms); stooling rye forage also prevents leaching of excess soil or

manure N (UC SAREP, 2006).

Used as green manure, rye provides large amounts of organic mat-

ter to the soil. However, when rye is sown for forage, a part of the

organic matter is not returned to the soil. This species is an excellent

cover crop to utilise unused soil nitrogen and research has shown

how it increases the concentration of exchangeable potassium (K) in

the top layer of the soil.

It is also known to suppress weeds very effectively especially

through outcompeting weeds for water and nutrients, however, it

also suppresses many weeds alleopathically (as a natural herbicide).

Management challenges

Fewer diseases attack rye than other cereals. The following dis-

eases and pests have been reported to cause notable problems in

stands of stooling rye.

Stem or stalk smut

Disease control could be achieved by seed treatment and crop ro-

tation where the spores are soil-borne. Resistant varieties are also



This is a common disease especially prevalent in the humid and

sub-humid areas of the country. Infected plants often ripen or die


Rusts (leaf rust and stem rust)

Destruction of volunteer stooling rye in stubble fields will aid in

control of this disease.


Stooling rye is attacked by many of the same insects that attack

other small grains. Serious losses are not common, however early

sown autumn rye provides a favourable environment for the deposi-

tion of insect eggs which can cause injury to other crops.

Animal production aspects

During late autumn, livestock can graze stooling rye forage once it

has reached a height of 15 cm - 20 cm and it should be removed

when the grass height is reduced to 5 cm - 7 cm.

Stooling rye allows very early spring grazing when other perennial

grasses are still dormant. It should be grazed rotationally and at high

stocking rates in order to prevent it from maturing and losing nutri-

tive value (Samples

et al

., 2011).

Crude protein values ranges from 11% (dough) to 23% (boot) de-

pending on the stage of maturity. Dry matter digestibility rang-

es from 64% (dough) to 81% (boot). Total digestible nutrients

(TDN) range from 67% to 75%. Approximate values of acid deter-

gent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) are 37% and

55%, respectively.


Cover crops have proven to be important in improving soil health

in the winter season prior to the next summer planting of either

maize or soybean. Stooling rye offers the potential benefits of

improving soil health, but establishment and management costs

can be high.

One way for producers to recover these costs is to graze the

forage, which benefits producers by integrating crop and animal

production. Very limited information exists on the potential forage

quantity and quality for grazing livestock of cover crops and mixed

species of cover crops.

Research to date has suggested that different plant species com-

plement each other, however research is currently determining how

best to balance forage production and how competitive the various

species are when added to a mixture with stooling rye.

For more information, contact Dr Wayne Truter at


, Prof Chris Dannhauser at ,

Dr Hendrik Smith at

or Mr Gerrie

Trytsman at .


Brink, M. 2006.

Secale cereale L

. Record from Protabase. Brink, M. & Belay, G. (edi-

tors). PROTA (

Plant Resources of Tropical Africa/Ressources végétales de l’Afrique


), Wageningen, Netherlands.

Samples, D.H. & Sule, R.M. 2011. Winter rye for extending the grazing season. Ohio

State University Factsheet AGF-26-00, Ohio State University Extension Service.

UC SAREP, 2006. Cereal rye. Cover crop database. University of California, Sustain-

able Agriculture Research & Education Programme, Davis.


Conservation agriculture