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genes related to common plant stress responses. This has been
done in some major crops like rice, to silence targeted genes
using RNAi technology in response to drought stress.
The international pioneers of this rapidly developing field believe,
‘epigenetics will play a significant role in raising crop nutritional
values’ especially of the major stable food crops like rice, maize
and wheat. Currently, international research using RNAi technolo-
gies to modify gene expression at a specific stage of develop-
ment is being used to improve the nutritional value of plants. In
wheat and other grains, RNAi constructs have been designed by
international research group to suppress the genes that promote
starch levels.
The results from these studies were wheat grains with higher
amylose content, which is beneficial for lowering blood sugar
and cholesterol. These scientists believe that nutrient enriched
foods are beneficial to everyone, but will be even more so to the
poorer and malnourished people of developing countries. These
scientists, which are at the forefront of epigenetic research, are
adamant that ‘it is needed and necessary that further studies in-
volving epigenetic mechanisms to enhance crop nutritional con-
tent be done’.
Plant diseases and pests have been known to destroy entire har-
vests. The international research community are excited by the
possibilities of improving pest and disease resistance in crops
with an epigenetics approach. Most producers use some form of
chemical control to improve crop yield, yet this is very costly. In-
stead of the over-reliance on chemicals, plants could be epigenet-
ically primed/triggered to naturally fend off pests and diseases.
In fact, it has already been well-documented that some plant spe-
cies produce natural defence compounds against pest attacks.
What lies ahead?
It is the joint opinion of many pioneering epigenetic scientists
from all over the world that ‘we as plant scientists (researchers),
are generating/sharing the required knowledge and learning
each day, on the best possible methods to combat the increasing
demand for food (fighting local food sovereignty and security),
hunger and malnutrition by improving crop production’.
The science of epigenetics is proving to be a very promising way
forward for crop improvement and plant breeding.
Figure 3: Modifications of the histones can make different coding
regions of the DNA accessible to proteins that ‘read’ genes, resulting
in a difference in gene expression.
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