SA Graan Junie 2014 - page 77

Modern agriculture in action
Are you an amateur photographer who likes to roam the farm in
search of a good photo? This year wewant to see how our readers
interpret “
modernagriculture inaction
” through their camera lenses.
What do you view as “modern agriculture”? Precision agriculture?
The latest conservation tillage practices? That brand spanking new
tractor that Dad is so proud of? Solar energy panels ensuring that
water is available for the herd? Come now; surprise us with your
unique interpretation! Send your photos now for the
SA Grain
Sasol Nitrophoto competition 2014.
This year’s prizes will again be sponsored by Sasol Nitro. As from
January 2014 awinner for each of the twelvemonthly editions will
be announced by a panel of judges. Themonthly winner will walk
awaywithacashprizeofR1000and the twelve finalistswill all stand
a chance towin
R10000 (winner)
R7000 (second runner-up)
and a
third runner-upprizeof R3 000
Send photos to
or to ElmienBosch, Postnet Suite 32, PrivateBagX10, Flamwood, 2572.
Prizemoney to the value of R32000 canbewon!
1. Only amateur photographers (inotherwords peoplewhodonotmake a living from takingphotos)
may enter the competition.
2. Entriesmust portray the theme “modern agriculture in action”.
3. Persons on thephotographsmust be identified (provide aname and surname).
4. The photographer must provide a caption for the photo as well as their postal address and
5. Participantsmay enter amaximumof threephotos (with varying subjects) per edition. Ifmore than
threephotosareentered, only the first threephotos receivedwill beconsidered for thecompetition.
6. Photos that are enteredmust beunique and shouldnot portray the same theme as photos entered
intoother competitions. Photos enteredmust not havebeenpublishedpreviously.
7. If a participant is announced as themonthlywinner, he/shemay not enter the competition for the
following three editions.
8. Photographersmay enter their photographs up until the cut-off date eachmonth. Entries received
after this datewill be entered into the followingmonth’s competition.
9. Onlyemailedentriesor entriesprovidedonaCDwill beaccepted. Thephotosmust be inelectronic
format andnobigger than 3MB each, in JPG format andno smaller than 10 cm x 15 cm. If photos
are takenwith a film camera, itmust be scanned at 300dpi.
10. Digitallymanipulatedphotoswill not beaccepted. To cropaphoto ishowever not considered tobe
11. A panel consisting of two professional photographers, a representative of
asSasol Nitro, will judge thephotosmonthly.
SA Graan/Grain
reserves the right to reject photos that are blurry and that do not adhere to the
competition rules.
13. All entries become the property of
– this includes the CD’s containing the photos.
The photoswill be stored in a data bank and
andSasol Nitromay use it for future
promotion,marketing andpublicationpurposes. By entering the competition, theentrant agrees to
this andno thirdparty claims for copy right violationmaybe submitted.
14. Employees of Sasol Nitro, GrainSA and Infoworksmaynot enter the competition.
JULY 2014: 8 JULY
Congratulations to Amanda van Blerk, from Clarens, whose photo named “Om bale te laai” won her a cash prize of R1 000. Amanda says that the
shapeof bales have changedquite abit. “From small and square-shaped, tobig and round-shaped. This is howmodern, bigbales are loaded.”
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