Julie 2017
agricultural industries
at large
he Sasol Agricultural Trust was founded in March 2012 by
Sasol Chemicals Industries Limited. The Trust received do-
nations from the founder in the amount of R30 million.
The mission of the Trust is encapsulated in the main objective of
the Trust, namely to improve competitiveness and sustainability of
the agricultural industries, by funding market and production rela-
ted research, market information, market access, enterprise de-
velopment, education and training programmes and scholarships,
bursaries and awards for agricultural studies.
Current trustees are Messrs Jannie de Villiers (Grain SA and chair-
person), Jaco Breytenbach (Grain SA), Prof Ferdi Meyer (UP),
Messers Omri van Zyl (Agri SA), Danie Roode (Sasol), Dr Eric
Adriaanse (Sasol) and one vacancy. The representative nature of
the Trust provides the basis for informed and appropriate decisions
that would benefit the agricultural industries at large.
Agricultural industries are defined in the widest sense as far as
support by the Trust is concerned, although the Trustees adopted
as the primary focus the grains and oilseeds industries, being the
staple food providers to the country.
Opportunity, industry and market
The Trust identified a number of areas where it could play a role
in achieving its objectives within the Trust’s available resources.
These are,
inter alia
Funding of agricultural research activities and programmes
that are generic in nature or that spans across different com-
Provision of bursaries, scholarships and training opportunities
in fields not currently addressed by the agricultural industries.
Funding of surveys and projects that are deemed necessary to
improve the market for role-players and the supply of inputs
to producers.
Funding of projects to improve the provision of market informa-
tion and transformation initiatives.
Other agricultural trusts are commodity-specific and can therefore
not fund projects or initiatives that are not directly linked to the
commodities concerned. The Sasol Agricultural Trust does not have
this limitation and can address the gaps that exist.
For this reason, the Sasol Agricultural Trust plays a complementary
role to the actions and projects funded by the commodity trusts,
without entering the domain of those trusts and without creating
rivalry or duplication. Good co-operation exists between the Trust
and the commodity trusts with regard to the granting of bursaries
and scholarships.
It is a known fact that funding for agriculture, particularly funding
aimed at research and capacity building, has declined over time.
The Trust focusses on important and dedicated programmes to
alleviate this problem. Through careful and focussed funding,
large benefits can be achieved and critical issues can be success-
fully supported.
Most industries have responded positively to invitations from the
Trust for the funding of a variety of initiatives. It is believed that
this will expand over time and specific niche funding opportunities
will be identified that could be explored by the Trust.
Bursaries, scholarships, internships and training courses are im-
portant aspects of the Trust’s funding strategy, particularly to build
capacity and to ensure proper skills development and job creation
in the agricultural industries.
Management and organisation
The representative nature of the Trustees creates a comprehensive
scope of expertise within the Trust.
Administration and day-to-day affairs are managed by L&L Agricul-
tural Services (Mr Leon du Plessis), an independent firm that ren-
ders similar services to a number of other agricultural trusts and
entities. The Trust’s investments are managed by a professional pri-
vate wealth asset management firm.
Requests for funding applications are communicated via agricul-
tural publications and through existing industry structures. Norms
and procedures for funding have been developed and certain condi-
tions apply to the funding granted by the Trust.
Bursaries (for national and international postgraduate studies) are
advertised annually, as well as for any training courses that the Trust
is prepared to support. Specific conditions apply and successful
bursary students are expected to work in agriculture for the same
period as the term of the bursary.
Funding granted by the Trust
Here are examples of funding already granted by the Trust to benefi-
ciaries since inception.
Monitoring of fertilisers and agro-chemicals
The Trust approved funding for a joint project of the Fertiliser As-
sociation of South Africa (Fertasa), Grain SA and the Department
of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF).
Producers, from time to time, experience problems with fertiliser
and agro-chemical quality. Individual producers often do not have
the means of taking legal recourse against the supplier. Funds were
therefore made available to assist producers in addressing pro-
blems that they experience with fertiliser and agro-chemical quality.
Rodent pest management
The University of Venda was funded for a project aimed at the eco-
logical management of rodent infestations in grain fields, which was
done in conjunction with other projects where different methods
were applied to control rodents.
Attendance of international conference
The Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) received funds for
the attendance of the Micronutrient Forum Global Conference by
two of its analytical staff during June 2014 in Ethiopia. The SAGL
is increasingly playing an important role as a reference laboratory
in agriculture and this initiative presented an opportunity to build
capacity in the industry.
administrator, Sasol Agricultural Trust