July 2017
Sclerotinia research on soybeans
Two research applications are funded by the Trust regarding sclero-
tinia on soybeans, respectively by the University of the Free State
and the University of Pretoria. These two projects are complemen-
tary and good collaboration exists between the researchers.
The research by Free State University focusses mainly on the epi-
demiology of the pathogens and the successful application of fun-
gicides. The project from the University of Pretoria focusses on
aspects regarding sclerotinia that are not covered in the project
of the University of the Free State and focusses mainly on the
understanding of the soil-borne pathogen and how to address the
occurrence thereof on soybeans through farming practices and
crop rotation.
Maize hardness project
The SAGL also received funding to do research on the effect of envi-
ronmental and soil factors, including fertiliser selection, on the hard-
ness of maize produced under dry-land precision farming.
This project has the potential to generate useful data on the
question of maize hardness in South Africa.
Nitrogen fertiliser management
The Western Cape Department of Agriculture is being funded by the
Sasol Agricultural Trust to develop nitrogen fertiliser management
strategies for wheat and canola under conservation agriculture prac-
tices in the Western Cape. This project is producing good results and
aims to finalise in 2018.
Jobs Fund projects
For two consecutive years, the Trust funded an equal amount to the
grant from government in terms of the Jobs Fund to assist subsist-
ence maize producers on communal land. The utilisation of these
funds is facilitated and monitored by Grain SA in accordance with
the requirements and rules of the Jobs Fund. Currently 3 400 pro-
ducers are assisted through this project by Grain SA on more than
4 000 ha.
The Trust recently also approved funding for the development of a
promotional DVD with regards to the Jobs Fund beneficiaries.
Interns and capacity building
Funds were made available to Agri SA for the appointment of a num-
ber of interns to develop specific functions to the benefit of organ-
ised agriculture. The immediate cost of interns is lower than that of
permanent employees and create the ability to build capacity within
Agri SA on a larger scale and in less time.
Funds were also granted to Grain SA for capacity building in its
Research and Policy Centre through the appointment of an intern
and the development of an application on smart phones. This Cen-
tre created within Grain SA aims to improve collaboration between
researchers and research institutions and to facilitate focussed re-
search on behalf of and to the benefit of grain producers.
Bursaries for tertiary studies
The Trust, in total, has granted seven bursaries to students for post
graduate studies in relevant topics related to grain.
Students’ progress is monitored throughout their studies and con-
tinued payments are subject to the required progress reports being
submitted and approved by the Trust.
For more information about the Trust, contact Leon du Plessis at
012 807 3958 or
l-lagric@mweb.co.za .Grain SA/Sasol photo competition
The Trustees adopted as their primary focus
the grains and oilseeds industries, being the
staple food providers to the country.
Trust to beneϐit
agricultural industries