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January 2015

2015 filled with challenges


he December holiday period for me is a time of reflection

on where I am with regard to various aspects of my life and

to take a view of the year ahead. Our family spends at least

a few days alone somewhere in the mountains or in the

bush to discuss our relationships with each other and to share

our goals for the new year with one another.

Spiritual goals; academic goals and relationship goals are the

matters that we share among ourselves in earnest and hold one an-

other accountable for. We also talk about the year that has passed

and how we have fared. 2015 is truly going to be a difficult year

with regard to the work environment.

The two issues that we will have to deal with right at the beginning

of the year are the implementation of the land reform policy and a

good take off in respect of social economic labour matters.

2015 will also be a watershed year with regard to organised agricul-

ture to restructure and take a new road. Grain SA will furthermore

not escape reviewing our structures in depth and making the

necessary adjustments for the years ahead. Such adjustments

are never easy, but are the things which are essential to bring about

new growth.

2015 will most likely yield a record soybean crop and introduce a

new dispensation for the wheat industry. All nice and good pros-

pects. Our relationship with the state has also yielded new “crops”

and better yields.

After a number of years of cooperation, South Africa has at last

signed an agreement with China which means that we can now

deliver maize to them. Our former chairperson, Mr Neels Fer-

reira, and minister Tina, initiated the work which has now at last

been completed. Thank you to all who have worked hard to make

this possible.

How would we know how many of our other longer term goals

(such as biofuels) might also come to fruition in 2015? It is definite-

ly also going to be a big watershed year for Grain SA’s agricultural

development programme. Each day, more and more thunder

clouds are brewing on the horizon that has totally other ideas

about development programmes than what we are currently en-

gaged in. This is a pity.

I am, however, full of hope that the team of leaders, staff and

members of Grain SA will be prepared to face these challenges

successfully. What I am wholly convinced of is that we cannot pull

through without you as members’ support and prayers. We again

plan to hold regional meetings in your area early in 2015 to share

our dreams and problems with each other so that we may tackle

the new year as a team.

For 2015 we are definitely going to need guts, bravery, inven-

tiveness and perseverance. Our ability to address various is-

sues simultaneously will be ultimately put to the test. Be sure to

increase productivity while working on serious issues such as trans-

formation in all areas.

All the best for the year ahead. Grain SA is with you!



Uit die


Jong paartjie stap rustig in die laning tussen die bome.

Hulle gesels oor die lewe en deel diep persoonlike

sake met mekaar. Sonder vrees deel hulle hul diep-

ste geheime met mekaar. Net aan die manier waarop

hulle stap, na mekaar kyk, mekaar aanraak, met me-

kaar praat, is dit duidelik dat hulle mekaar liefhet. Hulle wil in mekaar

se geselskap wees en hulle lewens met mekaar deel. Hulle wandel

met mekaar.

Die Here wil hê dat ons net so met Hom moet wandel. Hy is immers

ons Vader en het ons innig lief. Hy het sy Seun Jesus Christus vir ons

gegee as Middelaar om die gebroke verhouding tussen Hom en ons

te herstel. Christus het die sonde, wat skeiding tussen ons en God

gebring het, weggeneem. Hy het ons skuld betaal en ons só met

God versoen.

God het ook die Heilige Gees aan ons gegee om aan ons weder-

geboorte te skenk en derhalwe nuwe mense van ons te maak. Ons

lewe nou deur die toedoen van die Gees. Die Gees leer en lei ons

om soos kinders van God te leef. Die Gees bring ons tot ‘n nuwe

gehoorsaamheid aan God.

In Miga 6:8 lees ons dat die Here niks anders van ons verwag as

om reg te doen en liefde te betrag en in ootmoed met God te wan-

del nie. Hy vra nie ons geld en goed, ons tyd en dienste en wat ook al

nie. Hy wil net in ‘n opregte liefdesverhouding met ons lewe. Hy wil

hê dat ons in ons hele lewe met Hom moet wandel.

Paulus skryf in Galasiërs 5:25 dat ons deur die Gees moet wandel.

Ons moet ons lewenspad saam met Hom stap en ons diepste

geheime in gebed met Hom deel. Hy moet die Een wees wat ons

hele lewe, ons lewenswandel bepaal. Hy wil ons aan die hand vat en

ons op die paaie van die Here lei.

Het jy die Here so lief dat jy bereid is om so nou met Hom saam te

leef? Gee jouself dan resloos aan Hom oor om uit Hom, deur Hom,

tot Hom te leef. Wandel met die Here.

Baie geluk aan

Gert Theunissen van Cale-

don wat vir die Oktober-

uitgawe van

SA Graan/Grain

die gratis Bybel gewen het.