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Augustus 2016


CA adoption in Europe

very slow


ompared to other world regions conservation agriculture

(CA) development in Europe has been particularly slow,

such as for example in the United Kingdom (UK) and Ger-

many, with an adoption rate of just above 1%. This is de-

spite the serious environmental problems they have, such as land


According to Kassam (2011), ‘the root cause of UK’s agricultural land

degradation and decreasing productivity – as seen in terms of loss

of soil health – is their low soil-carbon farming paradigm of inten-

sive tillage which disrupts and debilitates many important soil-

mediated ecosystem functions – (this system) is no longer fit to

meet the agricultural and rural resource management needs and

demands of the 21st century.’

There are a number of reasons for this slow adoption in Europe,

some of which are the moderate climate, which does not cause too

many catastrophes urging for action, agricultural policies in the UK

and European Union (EU) including direct payments to producers

and subsidies for certain commodities, which take the pressure off

the producers for extreme cost savings and discourage the adoption

of diversified crop rotations.

However, the situation has begun to change in recent years, not

only through more favourable policies towards CA, but through

individual countries taking their own initiative to introduce and pro-

mote CA. Increased awareness of producers, politicians and society

as a whole of the benefits of CA is leading to gradual changes in the

overall approach to soil conservation (Basch

et al

., 2008).

Two issues stand out: Firstly, in all the successful initiatives, such

as in Finland, the CA adoption process was driven by producers,

and secondly, there still exists a wide gap between producers and

the agricultural research and extension policies and programmes

operating in their countries or areas.

There has been little or no promotion of CA in the UK from govern-

ment side (Andrew Howard, Ashford, Kent – personal communica-

tion); it has been primarily producer-led. In the UK the main reason

producers are more interested in CA is due to black-grass having

become such a serious weed problem. Minimal disturbance at

planting, a switch to spring cropping and more diverse cropping are

seen as key tools for black-grass control.

First-hand experiences in the UK

From 26 April to 11 May I had the privilege to visit the UK and

Germany to share experiences about the promotion of CA in South

Africa. I was invited to visit the UK after two Nuffield scholars,

Mr Andrew Howard from Kent in England and Mr Gordon Whiteford

from Scotland, visited South Africa in January.

I assisted them to visit two CA producers, namely Mr Joseph

Swanepoel from Atlanta north of Brits and Mr Jan Grey near Ermelo.

The producers from UK were pleasantly surprised and thought that

they would gain from something similar (referring to the CA pro-

gramme Grain SA has established with the support of The Maize

and Winter Cereal Trusts) to speed-up CA adoption among their own

grain producers.

On 27 April I arrived in the UK and later that same day presented

an overview on natural resources and agriculture in South Africa,

plus Grain SA’s producer innovation approach promoting CA to

producers involved in Biodiversity, Agriculture, Soil, Environment

(BASE-UK) at Howard’s farm Oaklands, which is near the town

Ashford, Kent.

Producer groups like BASE-UK have been active in the last number

of years to promote more sustainable farming practices, such as

CA. The presentation followed after a farm walk, which allowed

the 50 mostly producer participants to observe and discuss the

various CA trials Howard has on his farm (see

Photo 1


Photo 2


The dominant soils on the farm are of a fine loamy to fine silty type

with a mean annual rainfall of 750 mm.

The trials included the following treatments:

Mixed intercropping treatments: Comprising different mixtures,

used as rotations with wheat: 1) Buckwheat; 2) faba beans and

lucerne; 3) faba beans and spring oats; 4) linseed and lucerne;

5) linseed, lucerne and buckwheat; 6) linseed and buckwheat;

7) linseed and oats; 8) linseed, oats and buckwheat; 9) buck-

wheat and lucerne (see

Photo 3a


Photo 3d


Relay intercropping treatments: The following crops were

broadcasted mid-season (April) into a standing wheat crop, with

the idea of achieving the effects mentioned in brackets: 1) Red

clover (to grow quickly after harvest and fix N before second

wheat); 2) lucerne (for becoming a permanent living mulch in-

between the cash crops.

On 29 April I made a presentation on Grain SA’s producer innova-

tion programme at the Agriculture and Horticulture Development

Board (AHDB) at Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, which continued into a

long discussion in the afternoon.

The AHDB is a statutory levy board, funded by producers, growers

and others in the supply chain. Their purpose is to equip levy payers

with independent, evidence-based information and tools to grow,

become more competitive and sustainable. Although the AHDB

does have a focus on soil research and recommends ‘no-till’ as a

possible soil management option for grain producers in the UK, CA

is not yet promoted and supported widely as the key to sustainable

grain production.

However, during the discussion, there was a great interest shown

by their staff in CA and research approaches that bring researchers

and producers closer to each other facilitating greater co-learning

and impact. Hence, the producer-centred innovation systems ap-

proach followed by the Grain SA’s CA programme was highly appre-

ciated as a model that could be used by AHDB in future.

– Conservation agriculture tour to the United Kingdom and Germany


CA facilitator: Grain SA


Sustainable farming practices / EU and UK

Conservation agriculture