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These soil nutrient levels are often not economically justifiable if

soils have low levels occur, which justifies the use of Seradella as it

is adapted to low fertility. It is not common to find insect pests, root

or foliar diseases on Seradella plants; however, international reports

have recorded mites and worms occasionally feeding on the plant.

Since Seradella is a legume, its purpose can be either to provide

a protein rich fodder or rather to be incorporated into the soil as

a green manure. If grazed, the recommendation is to do it infre-

quently and with a moderate grazing pressure. Very good hay can be

made from Seradella as long as it is not dried out too much, resulting

in significant leaf loss.

The use of Seradella as a living mulch was investigated in small

scale farming systems in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal. With

frequent rainy events in autumn, good yield culminated after inter-

seeding Seradella and Seradella/oats mixtures into maize during late

February. The living roots in the soil had a positive impact on soil

health, supplying food to micro-organisms.

The efficiency of this system needs to be calculated over two or

even three years of practice. The suppression of weeds and insect

pest’s pressure may favour such interventions.

Soil conservation and health benefits

Considering the green manuring benefits of Seradella, it is ad-

visable that this crop be planted on soil prior to winter, and not

necessarily fertilised for maximum production, since this can poten-

tially have an impact on the soil moisture content build-up over the

rainy season.

This species can be planted to additionally provide a soil cover to

limit soil moisture evaporation and wind erosion. Finally, once the

crop has grown to maturity and fixed nitrogen, it can be incorporated

into the soil prior to the following summer’s grain crop.

Management challenges

The most significant management challenge with Seradella is to

ensure that the seed is well inoculated and not planted too deep.

This is sufficient motivation for a nurse crop to be planted along with

Seradella. Another management challenge is the grazing manage-

ment of the species to sustain a good dense stand. If the plant is

overgrazed the stand will become sparse and unproductive resulting

in a higher incidence of unwanted species (weeds).

The most effective method of utilisation is hay or silage making. With

regards to hay making, leaf loss can become a management chal-

lenge if the harvested plant material is dried for too long.

Animal production aspects

As a hay and silage crop, dry matter yields are important and can

vary from anything between 4 tons/ha - 10 tons/ha, all depending

on the inherent soil fertility, moisture and type, in conjunction with

climatic conditions.

Seradella can have a crude protein content as high as 20% - 25%

with a very high digestibility, which declines as the plant matures in

addition to a lower


ratio. This very palatable species can

even provide a metabolisable energy (ME) value of 10 - 11,5 MJ/kg.


Seradella is not a well-known legume crop in South Africa, however

it has many benefits that can support and play an integral role in con-

servation agriculture. If managed correctly, it can be a persistent and

vigorous grower with good palatability and nutritive value.

It also has a good tolerance for poor soils, but should rather be seen

for its potential as an interim crop (green manure) between a long-

term pasture ley crop and the next annual grain crop. Its drought-

tolerance and adaptation to poor growing conditions makes it a

suitable candidate as a green manure crop.

For more information, contact Dr Wayne Truter at

wayne.trut- ,

Prof Chris Dannhauser at ,

Dr Hendrik Smith at

or Mr Gerrie

Trytsman at .

1: Yellow Seradella in bloom.

2: A French (pink) Seradella flower.


Conservation agriculture




April 2015