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April 2015


his article is the 14th in a series of articles highlighting a spe-

cific pasture crop species that can play an imperative role

in CA-based crop-pasture rotations. Besides improving the

physical, chemical, hydrological and biological properties of

the soil, the species under discussion can also successfully

be used as animal feed.

Livestock production systems are in many ways dependant on the

utilisation of pasture species, in this case as a pasture ley crop, and

can therefore become an integral component of CA-based crop-

pasture rotations. It is imperative however to identify a pasture

species fulfilling the requirements of a dual purpose crop, i.e. for

livestock fodder and/or soil restoration.

This article focuses on an annual legume pasture crop commonly

used in the winter season as a green manure crop to improve

soil conditions and to provide cover in the winter months of a sum-

mer rainfall region. This annual legume crop could possibly suc-

ceed a perennial grass pasture prior to planting a grain crop the

next season.

With the rising cost of fertilisers and the objective of sustained soil

fertility and soil health improvement, this green manuring option

can provide an opportunity.

Ornithopus species


Seradella is a winter growing, annual legume that has a semi-erect

to erect growth nature, but can also form stolons/creepers. This

species has a deep root system and can form creepers as long as

1 m. It is indigenous to north Western Europe and the Mediterra-

nean. It has the ability to grow on soils that are poor and not suitable

for other forage crops.

There are two common cultivars of Seradella, i.e. the French or pink


Ornithopus sativus

and the yellow flowered




Agro-ecological distribution

Seradella’s growing season stretches from autumn to spring, and

it can grow at altitudes as high as 1 500 m above sea level with a

rainfall of between 300 mm to 700 mm rain per annum. Pink Se-

radella is not frost tolerant and is moderately drought-tolerant. As

mentioned, dry conditions are overcome by deep root systems

that are able to access deeper sources of soil water. It is known

that yellow Seradella can tolerate deep, sandy, acidic soils. This

species is also very susceptible to waterlogged conditions and not

suited to alkaline soils. This illustrates the potential of this species,

especially the earlier flowering varieties, to grow in lower winter

rainfall areas, as low as 350 mm per annum.

Supplemental irrigation can play an important role in increased

production. The hard seeded and deep root system characteristics

of the species, facilitates the establishment and persistence of this

species in soils with low fertility.

Soft seeded pink Seradella shows very similar growth properties as

a fodder plant on more infertile sandy soils. Pink Seradella is often

used a nurse crop for yellow Seradella, improving its establishment.

These species tend to do best on well-drained and fertile soils.

Management and utilisation

Good soil preparation is imperative for the successful establishment

of Seradella. It is recommended that the seedbed be as fine, firm

and weed free as possible to avoid unnecessary plant competition.

Seradella can be planted with a nurse crop, such as oats, for either

hay or silage purposes. It is then advisable to use 10 kg/ha - 20 kg/ha

of seed (depending on climatic and soil conditions) in mixture with

the oats seed. It is important that the seed be inoculated with the

correct strain of



Seradella has a small seed and it is important that the seed is planted

shallow (10 mm - 15 mm) and rolled firmly to facilitate good estab-

lishment. It is advised that seed rather be drilled into the soil rather

than broadcast, as this will ensure the best seed soil contact re-

quired for optimal germination.

The seed is known to have a very low germination potential, how-

ever, dehulled seed seems to have a much better germination per-

centage. The peak growth period is generally in spring, followed by

a drying off of plants in summer.

Soil nutrient requirements for legumes are normally high levels

of potassium, calcium and particularly higher levels of phosphate

as well as micro nutrients such as copper, zinc and molybdenum.

It is advisable to raise the soil nutrient statuses to 30 mg/kg P and

120 mg/kg K.


University of Pretoria,


Grass SA,


Grain SA and


ARC-Animal Production Institute

Integrated crop and pasture-based

livestock production systems

– Part 14


Conservat ion



Conservation agriculture