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April 2015

believes that significant progress is being made in closing the gap

between viewpoints.

This happens where the focus is on what drives investment in agri-

culture in South Africa – issues which affect all producers:

The value of land and its capital gain

The operating profit and return on investment

The tax regime which government applies to the farming sector

Any imbalance in these three key issues creates risk. We have to get

involved in narrowing “the strategic gap” between producers and

policy makers. During the panel discussion, Meyer emphasised that

the producers they meet at the imbizos are not narrow minded and

are constructively looking for solutions.

Dr Marinda Visser

Dr Marinda Visser, manager: Industry Services, Grain SA, empha-

sised that: “For research and development to be successful, we

need cooperation, especially from government.

“We need to adapt or die. Our plan is to make sure we have the

best molecular biotechnology markers and techniques available to

us to make sure that we can overcome the problems we are facing.”

The Q & A session delivered burning issues, but panel chair,

Mr Max du Preez (writer, journalist and analist), advised listeners:

“We must learn to sift through the rhetoric, calm down and listen

to the special things the minister has said today.

“We have seen other countries in Africa where emotions led

people into grabbing land without plans. We would rather see a

land reform process linked to increased production, it creates

certainty and it retains jobs. You cannot address the ills of the past

by saying the current generation has to pay. What we need now is to

be rational enough to say change has to happen; but in a way that is

sound and by which food security is guaranteed.

“Producers must beware of sensationalists. A person who says we

will grab land without compensation does not belong to the parlia-

ment I’m in.

“Misconceptions must be dealt with. If any producer believes he

is regarded in a bad light, it is not what the organisation I am in be-

lieves in.

“There has never been a meeting I’ve been in; nor do I know of any

belief within the ANC that white commercial producers are not need-

ed now or in the future.”

A key ingredient to land

reform remains the involvement

of the existing commercial

producers in this venture.

– John Gibbs, KwaZulu-Natal dairy producer

Paneelbespreking tydens Kongres

Dankie, ons waardeer julle!

24: Die paneelbesprekings is gelei deur Max du Preez (skrywer, joernalis en analis) en daar

is geleentheid gebied vir interaksie met die onderskeie sprekers en lede van die paneel deur

gesprekvoering en die aanwending van sosiale media.

25: Die volgende persone het aan die eerste paneelbespreking “Volhoubare graanproduksie tydens

grondhervorming” deelgeneem: Roelf Meyer (direkteur: In Transformation Initiative),

dr Marinda Visser, Kip Tom (produsent van Indiana, VSA) en minister Senzeni Zokwana.

26: Die tweede paneelbespreking (“Die praktiese implementering van grondhervorming”) se paneel

het bestaan uit: Schalk Pienaar (voorsitter: Agbiz), Ralph Swart (nuwe era produsent van Elim),

Andrew Makenete (direkteur: Manama Hole en Musa Capital) en Japie Grobler (voorsitter: ASUF).

27: Die voorsitter het Graan SA se personeel

bedank vir die lang ure en harde werk wat

hulle insit om die graanprodusente van die

land te dien.

28: Dr Jan Dreyer (voorheen van die LNR-

Instituut vir Graangewasse) en dr Cobus le Roux

(algemene bestuurder: LNR-Veldgewasdivisie)

het vir die 15de jaar as hoofstembeamptes by

Kongres opgetree.






Kongres 2015 beklemtoon

volhoubare graanproduksie gedurende
