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September 2018


Global company


pesticide application




Chemical and Fertilizer,

LLC is based in Hanover, Penn­

sylvania in the USA. In 2017 the

company celebrated its 80th

anniversary. Through the first two decades

it primarily manufactured farm fertilisers,

formulated agricultural chemicals and dis­

tributed products for large multi-national


In the early 1960 Miller started to develop

speciality products and broadened its scope

of business for its high quality soluble foliar

fertilisers. In 1968 our intense experience

and understanding of various agricultural

chemicals paved the way for us to launch its

range of performance-based adjuvants. It

started off with the Pinolene


range of prod­

ucts (proprietary terpene polymers from

pine resin). Other Miller adjuvants followed

over the years, aiding growers to maximise

pesticide efficacy, without harming the en­

vironment or crop.

The adjuvant range catapulted Miller into

the international agricultural market. Our

products are currently marketed and sold

in 90 countries worldwide. In South Africa

the Miller products have been available for

46 years. Mr Roode Lyon, founding compa­

ny of Hygrotech SA, attained exclusive im­

port and principle supply rights in 1972 for

these products. Till this day Hygrotech SA

is still importing our products and supply­

ing them to registered CropLife SA distribu­

tors. Technical product back-up is provided

to these distributors by Hygrotech technical

advisors throughout South Africa.

The current top four Miller adjuvants in

South Africa are:

Nu-Film P and Sustain

Both Nu-Film


P and Sustain


are part of

the Pinolene products and have very simi­

lar sticker-spreader registrations in accord­

ance with Act 36 of 1947. Nu-Film P (reg. no.

L2980) is designed to control the effective

lifespan of agricultural chemicals on the

plant surface. This happens by means of an

immediate effect, as well as an effect over

time in conjunction with the agricultural

chemical in the spray-tank mix.

The immediate effect includes reduction of

spray volatility, improved deposition and

spreading of spray on the plant surface.

Benefits over time include improvement of

rain fastness, reducing UV and heat deg­

radation of the agricultural chemical and

improving absorption ability of the agricul­

tural chemical by reducing sudden moisture

evaporation of the spray from the plant sur­

face after application.

Sustain (reg. no. L7690) in comparison, is

especially designed to be used with soil

applied agricultural products. It is ideally

suited for root and shoot active herbicides

and pre-emergence soil applied herbicides

which may be susceptible to environmental

conditions such as UV light degradation and

leaching of soil applied herbicides.

Mist Control

Mist Control


(reg. no. L4567, Act 36 of 1947)

is an effective, easy to use adjuvant for drift

retardation and deposition of agricultural

crop sprays. It is ideally suited to be used

with herbicide applications to reduce the

risk of spray drifting away from the intended

target. The latter can result in reduced weed

control or even worse, cause damage to

other crops not earmarked for the herbicide


It’s high level of efficacy is emphasised by

its approval in the USA as a ‘Drift Reduction

Agent’ – DRA – by an obligated Environmen­

tal Protection Agency (EPA) test protocol for

use with the newest Dicamba containing

herbicide formulations of various compa­



Entrée (reg. no. L8055, Act 36 of 1947) is

an adjuvant that improves initial adhering

and spreading of the agricultural spray on

the plant surface (grass and broad-leaved

plants). The product’s ability to especially

increase movement of systemic products

into plant tissue, makes it an ideal spray-

tank partner for such herbicides.

A unique Entrée characteristic is its design

to be used with oil or water based agricul­

tural chemicals. This allows for the agricul­

tural chemical to move into plant tissue via

the oil or water-soluble areas of the leaf, ac­

celerating uptake. It reduces crystallisation

of the agricultural chemical on the plant sur­

face, extending absorption time.

Internationally Entrée is marketed as Exit



The popularity of Exit efficacy in the USA

was confirmed by independent figures from

the State of California. In 2015 and 2016,

Exit was the most used adjuvant over a vari­

ety of 168 crops which included 382 200 ha

(2015) and 364 217 ha (2016) respectively.

Product information


Integrated pest control

Johann van der Vyver,

Miller Chemical South Africa

Figure 1: Geographic summary of current Miller global distribution.