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New hybrid insect pest spells danger


he plant pest environment contains

endless pathogens that can mu­

tate, interact with other insects and

microbes and can cause massive

damage to crops. Science has brought us

genetically modified crops, chemical pesti­

cides, fertilisers and beneficial microbes to

boost plant growth. Yet, we need to monitor

what is happening in other continents.

Origin of new hybrid pest

The sudden increase in worm infestation

of crops in Brazil caused scientists at the

Australian Commonwealth Scientific and

Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

to respond quickly and the outcome was

identification of


bollworms in

cotton, as well as


maize earworms

species and


(fall army worm



), which contains

some 37 species.

Two primary insect pests were cotton boll­

worm and American ear worm; and cotton

bollworm is the number one quarantine

pest. Together they can cause billions of

dollars’ damage to field crops globally.

CSIRO had already started analysing the ge­

netic make-up of the worms and their moths

a year ago and then completed this process

for both pests (known as sequencing the


Surprisingly, they found that the two spe-

cies had interchanged genes to produce a

hybrid pest. Moreover, these hybrid insects

are mobile and fly in groups, i.e. hybrid

swarms that contain different genetic com­

binations. Mr Robert Cheke in the United

Kingdom also points out that continuous

pesticide use on crops killed targeted pests,

but with GMOs that required much less pes­

ticides, different pests came in.

Estimates of potential


The most exposed country seems to be the

USA with their extensive cotton and maize

fields and their relatively close presence to

the hybrid pest in Latin America. In most

of the worm studies in Brazil almost every

worm was a hybrid. Considering that boll­

worm has some 100 host plants on which

they feed and that the Australian bollworm

attacks more crops and develops more

resistance to pesticides than the maize

earworm, according to Dr Tom Walsh, im­

proved monitoring and countermeasures

are needed in all countries that grow maize,

cotton and soybeans. Mr Craig Anderson,

as lead person of the CSIRO report/article,

estimated that some 65% of American food

production may be at risk.

Clarification of pest

infestations in Brazil

According to Mss Daniela Brioshii from

the Federal University, Rio Grande do Sul,

Brazil, the following explanations on man­

agement of Bt crops are still relevant:

Why the sudden pest

pressure in Brazil?

Weather conditions, like drought,

helped larvae survive.

Sequential and successive planting of

host crops – maize, soybeans, cotton,

a common practice – provided shelter

and food, breeding more larvae of the

hybrid pest.

Absence of adequate monitoring.

Crops with Bt genes are more effective

on young but less effective on older


Was Bt technology unable to

control pests?

Each Bt technology is developed to control

different pests and cotton bollworm

H. ar-


had not been present in Brazil be­


Recommendations to

manage Bt crops

Even with Bt genes constant monitoring

is necessary.

Under heavy infestation insecticides

may be required.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) sys­

tems can maintain pest population at

lower levels.

Succession of crops is common, but in­

secticidal active ingredients with differ­

ent modes of action must be rotated to

reduce pests and worms.

Refugia for Bt and non-GM plants are

needed to retain pests susceptible to Bt


Insecticide treatment on seeds to plant

for protection.

Use of GM plants is safe and effective

for insect control, but can accommo­

date IPM with chemical, biological and

cultural practices.

Bt cotton success in

South Africa

Bt cotton was the first GM crop to be field-

tested in South Africa in 1990. It received

commercial use clearance in 1997. The po­

tential risk of bollworm led to crossbreeding

to insert a second Bt gene as precaution,

then a third gene for herbicide tolerance

was added.

In 2018 the technology owner of new stack­

ed cotton genes received approval from the

Department of Agriculture, Forestry and

Fisheries (DAFF) for field testing. The cotton

industry applied professional practices and

kept up to date with improved genetic tech­

niques. However, the fact that local cotton

crops did not encounter serious bollworm

infestation should not lead to complacency.

The same applies to the successes in yield,

crop genes for resisting maize stalk bor­

ers, and use of refugia. Modern resistance

genes have served South Africa well.

It is recommended that we monitor prob­

lems in and progress on combatting new

pests like hybrid insects as in Brazil. Inter­

national trade in grain and seed is known to

facilitate spread of pests and diseases.


Anderson, CJ

et al

. May 2018.

Hybridization and gene

flow in the mega-pest lineage moth

Helicoverpa. Pro­

ceedings National Academy of Science. Retrieved



Brioshii, D

et al

. January 2014.

Clarifications on pest

infestations in Brazil

. GMO answers. Retrieved from:



Cheke, RA. July 2018.

New pests for old as GMOs

bring on substitute pests

. Proceedings National

Academy of Science. Retrieved from:




September 2018


Integrated pest control

Dr Wynand J van der Walt,

FoodNCropBio Consulting and member of Maize Forum Steering Committee

Cotton bollworm.

Photo: CSIRO, Australia