September 2018
Special focus on mycotoxins
ycotoxins, toxic chemical com-
pounds produced by moulds,
can contaminate commodities
either in the field or during
storage and are invisible, odourless and
tasteless. The only proven way to deter-
mine whether grain, feed or food are con-
taminated, is by analytical testing.
According to the Food and Agriculture
Organization, food losses due to mycotoxin
contamination are estimated at 25% on
a global scale and pose a real threat to
food security, especially in Africa where
the magnitude of losses is difficult to esti-
mate because of a lack of information.
Mycotoxin production is foremost a food
safety issue, although the occurrence of
moulds can also lead to damage ranging
from rancidity, odour, flavour changes, loss
of nutrients and germ layer destruction
resulting in a reduction in quality. Most
mycotoxins are toxic in very low concen
trations, so this requires sensitive and reli-
able methods for their detection.
Effective management to prevent food
losses or adverse health effects as a result
of long-term exposure to contaminated
food is only possible when adequate reli-
able testing data is available. Well-timed
interventions in the food and feed value
chain can then be based on these testing
The multi-mycotoxin assessments includ-
ed in the annual maize crop quality survey
for the past seven seasons provide the
most comprehensive overview of the multi-
mycotoxin risk in commercial maize pro-
duced in South Africa. Approximately 35%
of the maize crop samples were selected
every season for multi-mycotoxin analy-
ses to proportionally represent all the pro-
duction regions, as well as both white and
yellow maize.
The mycotoxins regulated in South Africa
are Aflatoxin B
and Aflatoxin total, Fu-
monisins (FUM) B
+ B
and Deoxynivalenol
(DON). These mycotoxins, as well as nine
other mycotoxins of most concern glob-
ally, are included in the LC-MS/MS analysis
used by the Southern African Grain Labora-
tory (SAGL).
In total 62% of the 2016/2017 season’s test-
ed maize samples contained one or more
mycotoxin, similar to the previous season
when 63% of the samples tested positive
for one or more mycotoxin. Co-occurrence
of mycotoxins is possible as either a re-
sult of contamination with more than one
fungus or the fact that several fungal
species are able to produce more than one
The absence of Aflatoxin B
, B
, G
, G
Ochratoxin A, T2-toxin and HT-2 toxin in
the commercial maize samples over the
past six seasons were confirmed in the
2016/2017 season. The fact that Aflatoxin
, a mycotoxin classified as a cancer-
causing hazard, does not occur in com-
mercial maize produced in South Africa
(except for three white maize samples in
the 2014/2015 production season), is a huge
food and feed safety advantage for the
maize producers in South Africa.
Zearalenone (ZON) was detected in only
1% of the yellow maize samples and in
13% of the white maize samples, the high-
est value detected, namely 399 ug/kg was
in a white maize sample. Zearalenone in
white maize was found in five of the seven
provinces from which samples were recei
ved. Zearalenone in yellow maize was
found in North West Province and Mpuma-
langa. It must be noted that Zearalenone
was not found in any of the maize samples
from the Limpopo regions over the past
seven seasons.
The most predominant mycotoxins obser
ved in seven seasons in most regions
on both white and yellow maize are Fumoni-
sins B
, B
, B
and Deoxynivalenol. With
the amendment of South African Regula-
tions in 2016 to include maximum allowable
levels for Fumonisins and Deoxynivale-
nol for human consumption, it is important
to focus on the percentage samples with
concentrations just below and above the
maximum allowable levels in unprocessed
maize, namely 4 000 µg/kg Fumonisins
+ B
and 2 000 µg/kg Deoxynivalenol.
The percentage samples with Deoxynivale-
nol at different concentration levels in the
2016/2017 season, is summarised for all
maize (white and yellow maize), white maize
only and yellow maize only, in
Graph 1
Graph 3
. Although Deoxynivalenol was not
detected in 63% of the maize samples, only
46,4% of white maize samples contained
no Deoxynivalenol.
It should also be noted that in 8,9% of
white maize samples and 2,3% of yellow
maize samples, Deoxynivalenol concentra-
tions above the regulated maximum allow-
able level of 2 000 µg/kg were measured,
with 7 698 µg/kg the highest concentration
observed on one white maize sample.
The number of samples that contained
Deoxynivalenol increased with 14% this
season, from 23% in 2015/2016 to 37%
in 2016/2017. The highest increase in per-
centage samples containing Deoxyniva-
lenol, was observed in the white maize
samples; from 26% in the previous season
to 54% of the samples this season. In five
of the provinces, the mean Deoxyniva-
lenol values of the white maize were higher
than the yellow maize mean values.
Less samples contained Fumonisins this
past season, with occurrences decreasing
from 57% previously to 44% of the samples.
Graph 4
Graph 6
are summaries of the
percentage samples with different Fumoni-
sin concentration levels in the 2016/2017
season for all maize, white maize and yel-
low maize. None of the white maize samples
contained Fumonisins above 4 000 µg/kg.
Values exceeding 4 000 µg/kg were meas-
ured in 1,2% of the yellow maize samples,
with one yellow maize sample reporting
6 059 µg/kg Fumonisins. The white maize
and yellow maize Fumonisins mean concen-
trations are similar in most provinces.
The different trends observed on the mean
concentrations of Fumonisins, Deoxyniva-
lenol and Zearalenone over the past seven
seasons in the different regions, confirmed
again the well-known fact that the myco
toxin risk in maize produced, differ from
season to season in the same region and
also from region to region. This can be
ascribed to the fact that the occurrence
and concentration levels of mycotoxins are
related to environmental factors as well
as seasonal climatic conditions during the
pre-harvest production period.
Crop overview
The all-time high record crop of the
2016/2017 season was more than double
that of the severely drought affected
2015/2016 season and 51,6% higher than
Jolanda Nortjé,
manager: Laboratory, Southern African Grain Laboratory NPC