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September 2018



Melanie Verwoerd

is a former ANC MP,

South African Ambassador to Ireland and a columnist for




land expropriation:

Four myths that must be bust


and has become the number one political issue in South

Africa. Having been on panels and radio shows over the last

few months about this issue, it never ceases to amaze me

how much misunderstanding and pure scaremongering exist

around it.

It is perhaps understandable since most of the column inches

and airtime in the media are devoted to quotes from the EFF or Afri-

Forum – two extreme poles on opposite sides of the land spectrum.

Both sides produce sensational and populist sound bytes, but in

reality, neither represents the majority of people in this country

and therefore will not decide how this issue plays out in the foresee-

able future.

Ultimately it will be the majority party that will decide what will

happen around the expropriation and redistribution of land.

It is therefore important to carefully note what the ANC has

been saying, both publicly and in their internal documents, about

this issue. A careful analysis shows a measured, or in the words of

Minister Lindiwe Sisulu, ‘a sensible and sensitive approach to the

issue’. There is not even the slightest whiff of land grabs, large

scale removal of farmers off their land or the diminishing of prop-

erty rights in general. Yet, despite repeated reassurances from the

president and other senior ANC members, large scale fear bordering

on panic continues to grow amongst ordinary citizens.

I'm not alone in being extremely concerned about the impact of

this discussion or debate on the social cohesion of our nation. So,

let me try and bust some of the most common myths/miscon­

ceptions that exist in the public narrative in an attempt to let

truth rather than scary fiction inform peoples’ thinking.

Myth 1: The ANC is blaming it all

on apartheid

Even though it is true that many of the vast inequalities of owner-

ship of property and land that we have today, date back to apartheid

and colonial times, the ANC in their documents acknowledge that

not enough has been done to rectify the situation since 1994. They

take responsibility for that. However, they also know that the status

quo can't continue. Lindiwe Sisulu once more: ‘As the ANC we real-

ise that we are running out of our own time.’

Myth 2: The ANC wants to amend

the Constitution

Contrary to what AfriForum and some ignorant journalists would

like us to believe, the ANC has not said that it will definitely amend

the Constitution. In their documents and statements, it is clear that

they actually believe that Section 25 of the Constitution has always

allowed expropriation without compensation and that an amend-

ment therefore might not be necessary.

The motion that was passed in Parliament also did not say that

they will amend the Constitution, but rather that the constitutional

review committee in Parliament must investigate whether an amend-

ment is necessary.

Myth 3: It's all about taking

white farmers' land

Again, largely due to the populist narrative of some, we are made

to believe that the expropriation issue is focussed (as in Zimbabwe)

on farm land. Although agricultural land is of course important, the

ANC documents make it clear that their focus is far more on urban

and peri-urban land. Given the high rate of urbanisation, the abil-

ity to give people title deeds and thus ownership of land in the ur-

ban areas is actually the main, albeit not the exclusive, focus. Hence

the announcements during May about transferring land and title

deeds to people in urban areas like Gauteng.

Myth 4: The ANC wants all land

to be in state hands

There is a very important difference between the EFF and ANC on

this matter. The EFF has indicated that they would like all land to be

in the hands of the state. The ANC has said that they want to handle

the expropriation on a case-by-case basis, by applying certain

agreed and legislated criteria (which will of course be tested in the

courts). So, it will not just be a large scale, random dispossession of

land or property.

Yes, it is clear that the governing party wants and needs to speed

up land reform and that expropriation without compensation is

one of a number of mechanisms they will use. However, everything

points to a determination to do so through carefully considered

legislative mechanisms, such as amending the Expropriation Bill to