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December 2018

SANSOR will only certify seed lots that have been produced on

fields registered with them and produced according to the specifica-

tions and requirements of the SA Seed Certification Scheme. During

the registration process the origin of the seed is verified to ensure

that it is acceptable for certification.

Field inspections, during which several aspects such as varietal

purity and isolation distances are controlled, are conducted by

trained and authorised seed inspectors. After harvesting, processing

and packaging, the seed is sampled and tested by registered seed

testing laboratories to assess the germination potential and physical

purity of the seed lots.

The percentage of sclerotia in seed samples is determined by us-

ing the methodology prescribed by the International Seed Testing

Association (ISTA) Rules for Seed Testing, at the same time as when

general quality testing is conducted by a registered seed testing

laboratory. The presence and level of occurrence of sclerotia (or

seed that has been transformed into visible fungal sclerotia) in a

seed sample is determined by the seed analyst, in the process of

conducting a standard ISTA purity analysis. The virulence of the

sclerotia is not determined during these examinations.

Certified seed lots must comply with the minimum physical

requirements as stipulated in the South African Seed Certification

Scheme. The scheme states that a sample of 1 000 g shall not con-

tain more than 0,2% sclerotia of



, calculated

on a total weight basis. The sample must be taken by an authorised

sampler in the methodology prescribed by ISTA to ensure that it is

representative of the seed lot.

The results obtained are reported on a Report of Analysis,

issued by the registered seed testing laboratory and submitted to

SANSOR for assessment and approval before a final seed lot certifi-

cate will be issued.

Post control grow-outs are planted by the Department of Agricul-

ture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) to verify the varietal purity and

identity of the production unit.

Mr BP Greyling, a mega producer and Agricultural Writers’ SA

Farmer of the Year in 2011, farms on Langfontein near Wakkerstroom

in Mpumalanga. He shared his experience on the use of certified

seeds, ‘I have planted soybeans for the past 32 years. I won’t say that

I never had


on my farm, but I can say that in 32 years, I

never had


on any field where I planted certified seeds’.

He is convinced that buying certified seeds is the first and most

important step towards keeping soybean fields



Good management practices

Good management practices used by seed production companies




Cultivar selection

A number of varieties has proven to be either more tolerant or more

susceptible to


infection than others. This information,

obtained through internal product research, can usually be obtained

from the seed companies marketing those varieties.

There is currently no soybean variety known to be completely

resistant to


. The use of more tolerant varieties is an effec-

tive tool in managing the disease.

Avoid planting highly susceptible varieties in fields with a history




Plant population and

general planting direction

Unfortunately, producers follow production practices that can of-

ten create the ideal micro climate and environment for diseases to

develop. Some of the following practices are associated with high

infection rates: Narrow row spacing, high seeding rates, late planting

dates, and the over application of nitrogen.

Cultivation practices used should discourage the formation of a

cool and humid micro climate wherein


can thrive.

Wider rows, and planting from north to south, will allow sunlight

and the movement of air into the rows, especially after irrigation or

spells of rain.

Soybean plants are very adaptable and known to compensate in

cases where lower seeding rates are observed.

Crop rotation


has a wide host range including soybean, sunflower,

dry bean, potato, pea, cucumber and some common weeds, to name

a few. Crop rotation towards non-susceptible crops such as maize

and sorghum can help to reduce the level of sclerotia occurrence

in the soil. Rotation crops need to be planted for at least three con-

secutive planting seasons before soybeans can be reconsidered

on the same field.

Weed control

Several broad-leaved weeds are known to be


hosts and

aids in the spread of the disease. A well-planned spray programme

should be followed as recommended by chemical sales agents.

Fertility and plant nutrition

High soil fertility, especially the use of nitrogen-rich manures

and fertilisers, favours


development by promoting lush

plant growth and early canopy closure. Having soil fertility tests con-

ducted on a regular basis will help avoid over-fertilising fields that

are prone to



Irrigation management

Excessive irrigation, above what is needed to maintain yield

potential, should be avoided during flowering to minimise moisture

at the soil surface and below the crop canopy. Low moisture levels

within the soybean canopy are critical for reducing the potential for


Occasional, heavy watering is better than frequent, light watering.

Avoiding excessive irrigation is especially important during the

critical periods of infection from early flowering to early pod devel-

opment stages.

Chemical control

Chemical applications can be a component of an integrated man-

agement system for


. Some foliar-applied fungicides and

herbicides have efficacy against


, although none of them

offers complete control.


As previously mentioned, sclerotia often get distributed by combine

harvesters. It is therefore imperative to harvest the fields where the

fungus was observed, last.

Going forward

Further research is needed to effectively manage this dreaded dis-

ease, with a special focus on the breeding of new, more resistant

cultivars, biological control agents and integrated disease manage-

ment systems.