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Cultivar screening,

the answer

to charcoal stalk rot of maize


harcoal stalk rot is caused by the


Macrophomina phaseolina

and is favoured by soil tempera-

tures of 30°C to 42°C and low soil

moisture. Initial symptoms in maize can be

observed after flowering with the abnormal

drying of upper leaf tissues, stalk lodging

and premature death.

When plants approach maturity, the lower

stalk nodes (usually limited to the first five

nodes) show a typical charcoal, grey-black

discolouration. When the stalk is cut open,

numerous black specks (microsclerotia) are

visible (

Photo 1

) in the shredded vascular

bundles and on the inside of the stalk.

The charcoal rot pathogen (fungus) has a

broad host range that includes soybean,

sunflower, sorghum, maize, tobacco and a

range of vegetable crops, making crop rota-

tion ineffective as management option. The

most effective and environmentally friendly

management option remains the use of

cultivars with resistance to charcoal rot.

No information was available regarding the

resistance of commercial cultivars to char-

coal stalk rot and therefore, in a project

funded by the Maize Trust, 30 commercial

maize cultivars were screened for resist-

ance during the 2017/2018 maize growing


The 30 cultivars were selected from the na-

tional cultivar trials and planted in a field tri-

al in Potchefstroom, with three replications.

Maize stalks were inoculated with

M. pha-


infected toothpicks (

Photo 2a

) and

the controls were inoculated with sterilised

clean toothpicks.

To conduct disease ratings of the stalks

from the individual cultivars, the stalks

were split open and the lesion size captured


Photo 2b

) according to a disease severity

scale (Shekhar and Kumar, 2012) ranging

from 1 (healthy or slightly discoloured at the

site of infection) to 8 (discoloration of five

or more internodes and premature death

of plant).

Cultivar disease scores in this study ranged

from 1 to 5, where a score of 1 indicates a

healthy stalk or slightly discoloured stalk at

the site of inoculation. A score of 2, 3 or 4,

means that up to 50%, 51% to 75% and 76%

to 100% of the inoculated internode is dis-

coloured, respectively.

A score of 5 means that 100% of the inocu-

lated internode is discoloured, with less

than 50% of the adjacent internode.

The data were analysed by Ms Nicolene

Cochrane (ARC-Biometry Services) using

a split-plot ANOVA with cultivars as main

treatments and treatments (inoculated and

control) as sub-plots. Significant cultivar

differences were observed (P = <,0001

– see

Graph 1


LS 8541 BR, PAN 5R-591 R and PAN 4A-156

had the lowest disease ratings (healthy or

slightly discoloured at the site of inocula-

tion) and cultivars SC 506 and US 9616 the

highest (100% of the first internode discol-

oured, with less than 50% discolouration of

the adjacent internode).

M. phaseolina

resistance information gen-

erated can now for the first time assist pro-

ducers with cultivar choices

for the management of char-

coal stalk rot.


Shekhar, M and Kumar, S. 2012.

Inoculation methods and

disease rating scales for maize diseases

. Directorate of

Maize Research, Indian Council of Agricultural Research.

Pusa Campus: New Delhi, India.


December 2018


Integrated pest control

Charcoal stalk rot / Resistance


ARC-Grain Crops, Potchefstroom

Graph 1: Mean

M. phaseolina

stalk rot disease severity (%) in 30 commercial cultivars planted in a

field trial in Potchefstroom during the 2017/2018 maize growing season.

Different letters indicate significantly different reactions of cultivars to

M. phaseolina


1: Microsclerotia visible as black specks in the

shredded vascular bundles.

2a and 2b: Maize stalk inoculated with a

M. phaseolina

infected toothpick and lesion size at

infected site.


