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Foundation Pack

Die Foundation Pack Summer and

Winter Grains Powder Bucket is

spesiaal ontwikkel as 'n volledige

saadbehandeling vir koring, mielies,

sonneblom, graansorghum en rog.

Turbo Seed - K 7888 Act No. 36 of 1947 - Tri-Cure WP - L 8295 Act No. 36 of 1947

144 Avenue 2, Modder East Orchards, Delmas, 2210

Tel: +27 (0) 82 738 0080

Foundation Pack Powder Bucket het die mielie-opbrengs verhoog

van 16 proewe oor die afgelope twee seisoene van 280 kg/ha.

Kombinasie van statistiese en kommersiële proewe

Opbrengsverhoging per ha

Free State province has shown tremendous growth – from only

45 000 ha in 2007 to 240 000 ha in 2017 – which is five times more

and an increase of 195 000 ha. Mpumalanga also experienced

significant growth, and although not at the same rate as the Free

State, these two provinces are responsible for approximately 85%

of soybean cultivation in South Africa.

The abovementioned information is partly based on the field

boundary framework mapped by the National Crop Statistics

Consortium (NCSC) for the CEC at DAFF. GeoTerraImage, as part

of the NCSC, is responsible for this process and uses Earth

Observation satellites as a base layer to perform this mapping


Earth Observation satellites, with their ability to record data regu­

larly over vast regions, prove to be very useful and efficient to

monitor large areas of agricultural cultivation. GeoTerraImage uses

Earth Observation satellites such as Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8 to

perform crop type classifications of individual fields and to analyse

cropping patterns.

Crop type information at field level provides the opportunity to

summarise crop area at district level to analyse the distribution

and area planted for an individual province. This analysis for the

Free State shows that Harrismith, Bethlehem, Vrede, Frankfort

and Reitz were the top five districts in 2007 and are still producing

the most soybeans, as illustrated in

Table 3


Similarly in Mpumalanga the top five producing districts in 2007

were Standerton, Ermelo, Bethal, Middelburg and Delmas. These

districts are still the top five and account for 68% of soybean

cultivation in Mpumalanga, as shown in

Table 4


The ability of Earth Observation systems to record regular satellite

imagery allows real time analysis of farming practices, cultivation

patterns and crop type trends as illustrated above in the analysis

of soybean growth in South Africa over a ten-year period.

This increased production over the past ten years has several

advantages for South Africa, including the reduction of our de­

pendence on imports and more specifically soybean oil and

oilcake imports.

For more information on earth observation of agricultural crop-

ping patterns, contact Fanie Ferreira at





ie Minister van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye het

op 22 Junie vanjaar ‘n statutêre heffing op sojabone

goedgekeur waarvolgens saadmaatskappye vergoed

kan word vir hul prestasie in die sojaboonsaadmark.

ie heffing wat ingevorder word, sal volgens saadmaatskappye

se markaandeel aan hulle uitbetaal word.

Die teling-en-tegnologieheffing op sojabone is vir twee jaar

goedgekeur, met ingang 1 Maart volgende jaar. Die heffing

is R65/ton vir die eerste jaar en R80/ton vir die tweede jaar.

Vir meer inligting, lees die persverklaring wat daaroor uitgereik

is op Graan SA se webwerf by

of skandeer

die QR-kode hierbo. ‘n Volledige artikel hieroor sal ook binnekort

in die tydskrif verskyn.

Heffing sal nuwe

tegnologie ontsluit

SA Graan/Grain
