The Protein Research Foundation (PRF) has published informative canola videos on their webpage for producers. The videos are a selection of useful material and discuss the expertise required to create the right quality hybrid seed, knowing when to swath your canola, impact of seeding depth and consistency, strategic steps for high canola yields, amongst others. The videos can be accessed on the PRF's website by clicking the images below
The 15th Senwes Future Focus will be presented this year at Nampo Park on 5 September. The day, in collaboration with Agri NW, Free State Agriculture and Grain SA kick off at 08:00 and focuses on the importance of personal development in agriculture. On the day there will be practical demonstrations, various exhibitions and a spitbraai. All funds are for the benefit of the Young Farm Committees of Agri NW and Free State Agriculture. Costs R100 per person.
The No-Till Conference and Cover Crop Workshop taking place from 4-6 September 2018 at the ATKV Drakensville Holiday Resort will focus on The purpose of the conference will highlight the imperative of examining soil using analysis and checking-serious compaction before embarking on No-Till. It will highlight that No-Till is a system, based on creating protective mulch – cover crops – and a crop rotation and will further guide delegates to strive towards a more biological diverse and integrated cropping and livestock farming enterprise. Delegates are urged to register early and book accommodation, with details available on the programme. Download the Conference information here Download the Conference programme here