Member Benefits

1) Exclusive Member Benefits

          The following exclusive member benefits are available to fully paid-up members.

           Market Information

  • Fully paid-up members get the market information report early in the morning before the markets open. The information is also available on the website later in the day for other users.
    Read more
  • VIP access and parking at NAMPO
    Fully paid-up members get special parking & free entry to the Nampo Harvest Day depending on their levy contribution. Members can avoid the cues at the gates and gain access to Nampo via a near entrance and be shuttled to the Grain SA Members area via shuttle services on golf carts. Members also enjoy free food and drinks during the course of the day in the Members area. 


2) Communication

Members will receive our monthly magazine, SAGraan/Grain, which contains objective reporting on current affairs and provides strategic information.

Electronic newsletters go out fortnightly to members with email.

Our website provides up to date industry information.

SMS messages are an integral part of our communication.

Circulars are mailed three times a year to members.

Once a year we have regional meetings to communicate with members at grass roots level.

Branches (farmers associations/studygroups) are welcome to contact Grain SA to attend their meetings.

A Progress Reportis published 2 to 3 times per year which contains a summary of strategic goals delivered by Grain SA. This report is also available on the website.

A summary of the different working groups is also given to members through the newsletter and the website.


To view a copy of Grain SA's WhatsApp Group Code of Conduct & POPIA please click here