As Grain SA, we are trying to contribute to the dream of a United and Prosperous Agricultural Sector. At the same time we have to address food security and food sovereignty, income generation for those who have access to land, protection of the natural resources and job creation. We are blessed indeed to be working in a sector, which has the potential to contribute to all the pillars of rural development.
Trials are a wonderful way of showing farmers the right thing to do. The development coordinators in the various regions make contact with the input supply companies and involve them in the trials. Every effort is made to plant and manage the trials in a way that is both progressive and technologically advanced, while at the same time within the reach of the developing farmers.
The Schools Programme is a result of a partnership between the Maize Trust, Winter Cereals Trust and the AgriSETA, which all fund the programme in different ways and in the different areas. Several people have been contracted to do the presentations at identified schools in all nine provinces of South Africa. There are also DVD's available that are shown to learners throughout all the provinces of South Africa each term.