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he real problem with South African politics is our fascina-

tion with the state of the ruling party and which faction or

other is in the ascendancy at any point in time.

I guess it’s understandable to a degree, given our despera-

tion for a sign for some positive change, any change that

would signal we’ve reached our lowest ebb. The fact that every

day, there are still the same men at the helm in both Luthuli House

and the Union Buildings confirms our biggest fear that the decay

continues, unabated.

The cult of personality, which is what the older guard in the ANC

warned its own party members to avoid all those years ago, has

taken root in the party and in extension in all of us. What this de-

tracts from is the actual state of South Africa Inc.

The upgrades to the president’s Nkandla homestead, the likely

outcome of local government elections next year, which is expected

to influence those of the ANC’s 2017 polls, have been the main

considerations for everyone across the political spectrum. Even the

Democratic Alliance, with its new leader, has been enthralled by

the theatre of it all.

But whilst they, and I guess by extension, us the citizenry, naval gaze,

the gates to Rome are burning.

We are in the throes of the second round of effects of the global

economic slowdown that has been with us for close to a decade.

The story of the first round was dominated by the woes of the West

and in particular the old continent of Europe.

Emerging markets were for the most part shielded from the slow-

down by China’s insatiable appetite for raw materials. Congregat-

ing around this strength rather opportunistically, were political

leaders from Brazil, Russia, South Africa and India, forming the

BRICS alliance.

But it was really inconceivable that the Chinese economy, even

with its billion plus populace, would continue to grow in double

digit territory. Most of its produce, from shoes, mobile phones to

whatever else one can imagine, were destined for markets in the

developed world, the very developed world that is nowhere near

the growth rates seen before the 2008 crisis, and won’t be for years

to come.

What China did was to soften the impact of a global economic

slowdown for emerging market economies, especially those en-

dowed with a rich reserve of resources such as us. That support

is no more, plunging commodity prices is the clearest evidence of

the sea-change.

The mining industry, which has long been on a drive to reduce

its numbers, is now being more vocal about its plans. Everyone

including Anglo is on cash conservation mode, looking to reduce

output as demand fails to ignite. There’s been a knock-on effect

on other industries such as steel. Even parastatals such as SAA,

which is currently been overseen by Treasury, is looking at cutting

staff numbers. Since April alone, some 23 000 South Africans

received notice that they may lose their jobs.

This is the delayed effects of the nearly decade long global economic

slowdown that I referred to earlier.

In the first leg, we lost about a million jobs, which were offset by

increased hiring by the state. This time around, Treasury doesn’t

have the fiscal space to go on a hiring spree.

Politicians are now going to have to zoom in on the structural im-

pediments to higher growth in South Africa, which would alleviate

the growing unemployment crisis. No global alliance can detract

from the fact that we need a really sober conversation.

And there’s no need to set up an inquiry into these fault-lines,

there’s been so many national plans that have highlighted the

The jobs crisis...



Business Times




We are in the throes

of the second round

of effects of the global

economic slowdown

that has been with us

for close to a decade.

September 2015