is the other side of leadership and is the key to being an
authentic leader. This concept is blended into the programmes and
is a differentiating design feature.
The four intra-organisational
zones of influence of a leader
are the focus of leadership learning in the programme. These
zones are personal leadership or leading oneself, leading
one other individual or one-on-one leadership, leading
a team or a group of followers, and fourthly, also being a
follower within a team led by another leader.
What will you learn?
The goal of the programme is to develop
personal and
leadership capacities
in individuals so that they individually
and collectively re-frame the context within which they lead i.e.
in all four zones of influence, and as such, positively impact the
leadership culture of the organisation and the sector. To achieve this
goal, fifteen themes presented over nine days are grouped into four clear
and sequential
development clusters
What do you need to do to attend?
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
A selection panel will evaluate your application. You will receive details of the programme, dates
etc should you be successful.
For more information and to register, please contact:
Cecile Bester
082 608 5921
by not later than 10 December 2016.
Thank you for your interest
becoming a leader
on your farm and in the sector.