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onkruidbeheer ...

Met die regte kombinasie en gebruik van

Roundup Ready



Suksesvolle onkruidbeheer in

Roundup Ready

®-soja verg

bloot die perfekte kombinasie van die regte produkte, soos

Monsanto se

Roundup PowerMAX


Roundup PowerMAX


Is effektief as enkelproduk of in kombinasie met ander

geregistreerde produkte; en

Waarborg gewasveiligheid.

Vir effektiwiteit en gewasveiligheid, asook korrekte gebruik

van die produk, verwys na die produketiket vir volledige


011 790-8200 |

Kliënte is welkom om ons op ons kliëntediens-telefoonnommer of

e-posadres te kontak: 011 790-8200 of

Roundup PowerMAX


bevat glifosaat 540 g/

. Versigtig. Reg. No. L7769 (Wet No. 36 van 1947).

Gebruik onkruiddoders op ’n veilige manier. Lees altyd die etiket en produkinligting voor gebruik.

Monsanto, Roundup Ready



Roundup PowerMAX


is geregistreerde handelsmerke van Monsanto Technology LLC.

Monsanto Suid-Afrika (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 69933, Bryanston, 2021.

Roundup PowerMAX


plaas jou in beheer.


twelve Pacific Rim countries, namely Australia, Brunei, Canada,

Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, USA

and Vietnam.

The TPP members represent roughly 25,6% of global trade, valued

at US$12 trillion, as well as a considerable population of 806 million

people (11,2% of global population).

With a grains perspective, this agreement covers wheat, barley,

rice, maize and soybean. However, some of these have different

quota levels, with the exception of soybeans which is free of du-

ties. Hayashi’s presentation leaned on assessing these agreements

from an importer perspective, particularly considering consumer re-

sponse and the effects of the trade agreement on grain trade.

Concluding remarks

During discussions with analysts and experts, a growing concern

was voiced about the scarcity of white maize supply in the glob-

al market — with the current drought in Southern Africa in mind.

Indications seemed to be pointing to Mexico and the USA for

temporary relief, as other grain producing countries are mainly fo-

cussed on yellow maize production.

However, on a positive note, the global grain market will be well-

supplied in the 2016/2017 season, with global grain production es-

timated at 2 billion tons – up by 1% from the previous season. In

addition, the 2016/2017 global grain stocks are forecast at 474 million

tons, up by 1,3% from the previous season.

Global consumption is also expected to maintain an upward trend,

largely supported by an increasing demand for wheat particularly in

North Africa and the Asian markets.

In essence, global grain prices are expected to move sideways in the

short to medium term, with lingering uncertainty around the possi-

bility of La Niña occurrence and the effects thereof on the Northern


All presentations from the conference are available online at the

Agbiz website ( )

and SAGIS website (



Grain SA/Sasol photo competition

– Stella Pieterse 2015