SA Grain March 2014 - page 16

Maart 2014
Regrettably many of the developing farmers have to make use
of agricultural contractors because they do not own their own
equipment. The purpose of the contractors course is to make
farmers aware of the areas on which they should focus to make sure
that they are getting value for money: The timing of the operation,
the quality of the tillage and the relative costing compared with the
actual costs for each operation.
Grain production involves the use of tractors, farm implements,
agricultural equipment and tools. The cost of mechanisation takes
up a significant proportion of the budget and through the various
“mechanical” courses we expose the farmers to the correct use and
maintenance of all the mechanical equipment. Those skills needed in
the farm workshop are critical for regular maintenance on the farm.
Because the correct calibration of planters and sprayers is so critical
for good production practices, there is a specific course that only
deals with these two aspects.
The various management courses include farming for profits,
resource assessment and farm planning as well as business ethics
and farm management. These courses are designed to focus the
attention of the farmer on matters beyond mere production – farming
is a business and you should conduct your business according to
good business management principles.
Through the various courses, we have tried to address most of the
dimensions of crop farming. We encourage the farmers to attend all
the available courses over a period of years – developing a farmer is
a long process.
As Grain SA, we would like to express our thanks to the ARC for the
trust they placed in our organisation through this training project.
We appreciate the manner in which our relationship has developed
over this past year and we look forward to a continued and beneficial
relationship – together we can “grow food, knowledge and people”.
10 and 11: Attendees learn about the setting
of implements.
12: Setting planting depth – introduction to
groundnuts course.
– another example of how we can do more if we
stand together
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