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Die huidige mielie-invoerprogram word vertraag omdat graanvragmotors sukkel om toegang tot die losmaatopberging

graansilofasiliteit in die Durbanse hawe te verkry. Toue van tot 8 km lank op toegangsroetes na die hawe word

toegeskryf aan Pier 2 se onvermoë om die ontvangsgebied doeltreffend te bestuur.

The current maize import programme is delayed as grain trucks struggle to obtain access to the bulk storage grain silo

facility in the Durban harbour. Pier 2’s inability to keep the staging area operating efficiently is blamed for queues

of trucks reaching up to 8 km on access roads to the harbour.

Gee gerus jóú mening van die kantlyn af:

083 490 9449

The 422 tractor units sold in May were marginally (5%) up

on the 402 units sold in May last year.

Agfacts Newsbrief

, June 2016


July 2016

It is encouraging to note that Africa is

slowly but surely narrowing the gap in eco-

nomic prowess with advanced economies.

In 2015, the combined GDP of the twelve

largest economies in sub-Saharan Africa

amounted to almost $1,3 trillion – more

than the combined GDP of Austria, Finland,

Greece, Ireland and Portugal.

– Dr Roelof Botha (economic advisor to PwC) in

AgTech – don’t wait for

the future, create it. Africa Agribusiness Insights – Survey 2016

Taken with the current excellent crop prices,

farmers in the east will be in a good posi-

tion to buy equipment later in the year. Many

summer crop farmers in the west are not as

well-off. The NAMPO Harvest Day provided

a good test of market sentiment. In general,

the mood amongst farmers was positive and

this auger well for the immediate future.

Nevertheless, there is still some way to go

before farmers begin to plant their summer

crops and, despite the fundamentals of the

market being positive, farmers still remain

cautious. Industry expectations are still that

2016 tractor sales will be down on last year,

perhaps by between 15% to 20%.

– South African Agricultural Machinery Association (SAAMA)

press release,

Agfacts Newsbrief

, June 2016

Het jy geweet?

Die meeste Graan SA-lede wat Kongres in Maart vanjaar

bygewoon het, is tussen die ouderdomme van 36 en 45.

66% van die afgevaardigdes se boerderye word as

familiebesighede bestuur.

74% van hulle meen regeringsinmenging is landbou se

grootste bedreiging.

– Landi Kruger (datawetenskapkoördineerder: Graan SA)