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January 2017

‘This would be very difficult to do,’ he says, referring to the range

of other contaminants such as sewage flow, which also contribute

to the contamination of water resources. Dr Dabrowski suggests

that a possible approach could be to link or prioritise land use

types or activities to endocrine disruptor effects instead of to spe-

cific pollutants.

On a positive note, the detection of pesticides was well predicted

by indices used in the prioritisation procedure in all study areas,

particularly quantity of use and mobility. The frequent detection of

atrazine, terbuthylazine and simazine in maize and sugarcane areas

is undoubtedly a reflection of their high quantity of use as well as

their high mobility in the environment.

Similarly, imidacloprid, which was also highlighted as being highly

mobile in the environment, although not detected as frequently,

was also found in comparatively high concentrations when detect-

ed. Other frequently detected pesticides (for example carbofuran,

diuron and hexazinone) were also well predicted by outputs from

the prioritisation procedure (that is crop-specific use and mobility).

These results indicate that indices of use and mobility are very

useful in terms of prioritising specific pesticides for detailed moni-

toring in study areas of interest.

Moving forward

The pesticide-use maps and supplementary data developed in

this study provide the most detailed overview of pesticide use in

South Africa produced to date. This information can be used to

make national, provincial and catchment-based assessments which

are essential for performing spatial assessments of human and

environmental risk associated with pesticide use. Yet, according

to Dr Dabrowski their application can be much broader, and can

be developed as a prioritisation tool for the monitoring of aquatic

ecosystems that could potentially be at risk. ‘For example, we can

look at where endangered fish species occur in relation to the maps,’

he says.

The team’s work is not over, as there are a number of recommen-

dations that flowed from the study. For example, passive monitor-

ing, which measures contamination over time, could be applied,

in order to include peak pesticide concentrations associated with

certain events.

Though the current project results are of particular use to policy

makers, a follow-up study is in progress to produce products that

can be used by producers. In the meantime, the project results

have been published. All data collected and produced during the

course of this project (including the maps) is available in the reports

or from the CSIR, Natural Resources and Environment in Pretoria.

Get your own copy

To order the reports emanating from this project,

Investigation of

the contamination of water resources by agricultural chemicals and

the impact on environmental health Volume 1: Risk assessment

of agricultural chemicals to human and animal health

(Report No.

1956/1/15) and

Volume 2: Prioritising human health effects and map-

ping sources of agricultural pesticides used in South Africa


No. TT 642/15) contact Publications at 012 330 0340 or


or visit

to download a free copy.

Air sampling and spraying for AGDISP validation.

The Letsitele River, with locals collecting water and doing washing.